150 Best Things to Do on a Rainy Day (That Will Inspire You)

These amazing things to do on a rainy day will uplift you! Sometimes when the weather stinks, it can mentally throw us off. But instead of twiddling your thumbs, try self-care ideas and productive activities.

fun things to do on a rainy day at home, coffee with window when it's raining

And here’s the great part: these activities work well for any reason you are inside. So, if you’re inside on a snowy day or for health reasons, pull out this list too!

Self-Care Rainy Day Activities

First, one of the best things to do on a rainy day is to take care of yourself. So, start with a few from the list below before reading on.

1. Take a bubble bath.

2. Write five positive affirmations down. Say them to yourself. Now, stick them where you can see them.

3. Meditate

4. Make a list of things you are grateful for. We all need to be reminded of how much good is in our lives.

5. Have an at-home spa day.

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6. Make yourself a self-care kit for the future.

7. Workout inside. Youtube offers tons of free content: from yoga to dancing. Or sign up for a digital workout app like Peloton. (Or head to the local gym if you’re a member)

8. Do your nails.

9. Pull out an adult coloring book and get coloring.

10. Order or try out a new makeup product.

11. Make a cup of your favorite coffee and read a fun book.

12. Do a brain dump. Get everything that’s swirling out of your head.

13. Write in your journal. Describe your day, emotions, to-do list, blessings, or anything that comes to mind.

14. Take a nap.

15. Start a challenge that makes you feel great. The self-love and gratitude challenges are good ones.

16. Just SIT. And enjoy one of your favorite simple pleasures.

17. Call a loved one for a chat.

18. Stretch.

19. Cuddle with a pet.

20. Write a letter to your future self. (Ask your future self these great questions)

21. Do a digital detox. Decide that it’s time for a phone break. And connect with yourself instead.

22. Listen to your favorite music. Or try something new like binaural beats.

23. Turn on your essential oils. It’s time to get that diffuser going!

24. Create a self-love list. Write 10 things you love about yourself.

25. Look at old photos. Indulging in past memories makes us feel good.

zen things to do on a rainy day at home

26. Make your own mini zen garden. (Or buy one HERE)

27. Create a list of inspiring people in your life and possible mentors. Schedule a get-together with at least one person off of this list.

28. Grab access to amazing self-care resources:

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Productive Things to Do on a Rainy Day

Next, use this great opportunity to get organized, find clarity, and make your life a little brighter.

29. Read a book that helps you grow.

30. Listen to a podcast.

31. Listen to an audiobook.

32. Organize or clean out a room in your home.

33. Start the free “Get Your Life Back” Challenge to streamline and make life easier.

34. Plan your upcoming vacations.

35. Map out your goals. What do you want to accomplish this year?

notebook with goals: great ideas during Covid

36. Create a vision board for your life.

37. Craft a better morning or night routine.

38. Meal prep something healthy. (Putting together a few salads for the week could be what you need to take charge of your health)

39. Put 2-3 of your favorite quotes around your home for inspiration. (See self care quotes, and growth mindset quotes for serious motivation)

40. Use this big meal list and weekly dinner planner to plan out your week of healthy meals.

41. Start a new family hobby or business.

42. Declutter your living spaces.

43. Pick a habit example from this list that you want to work on. Then, use the free habit tracker to keep track of your progress. Decide on a small reward when you follow through.

44. Re-stock your home’s main supplies. (Toilet paper, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, spices, anything you know you’ll need).

45. Start a small home improvement project. Paint the bathroom. Buy a hanger for the front entryway. Do something that spruces things up without a lot of effort.

46. Look over your budget. Pay bills. Organize any financial papers that need to be sorted.

47. Strategize how to save smarter. Make a plan. (Now that you have a clear view of your budget)

48. Organize your digital life. Delete old downloads. Back up your computer. And clear out the clutter.

49. Unsubscribe from email and social media that’s not useful to you.

50. Make yourself a sick kit.

51. Set reminders for upcoming birthdays. Purchase any gifts needed.

52. Put a few new books on hold at your local library.

53. Upgrade a skill. (For work or here are fun hobbies for women)

54. Plan your week ahead. The best way to follow through on your priorities is to have a clear schedule for them.

55. Schedule appointments needed.

56. Organize your workspace. Make it a clean, inspiring, and productive place to work.

57. Update your resume. Change the date and add new experiences. Make it easier to have it when you need it!

58. Declutter your papers. Go digital on what you can.

59. Pare down your closet to create a capsule wardrobe.

60. Research professional development opportunities in your field.

61. Learn keyboard shortcuts to make work easier. Here are some important ones>>

62. Organize and price for an upcoming garage/yard sale.

Fun Things to Do For Adults

Now, these are meant to keep your spirits up and add a little fun to your life.

things to do on a rainy day for adults at home 2023

63. Make a fancy at-home coffee.

64. Make a fun cocktail.

65. Try a fun new food recipe.

66. Do a puzzle.

67. Splurge on new takeout.

68. Send your partner a flirty text. Even if you are in the same place.

69. Make your favorite comfort food. Lasagna anyone!?

70. Learn something new on Youtube. We have spent a ridiculous amount of time watching these squirrels

71. Do one new thing to get out of your comfort zone.

72. Create a postpartum gift basket for a new mom.

73. Make your adult bucket list to fit the season! (Find a list of helpful posts in the kid section below!) Or make one big life bucket list.

74. Plan your dream vacation. If you could go anywhere, where would it be? And what would you do?

75. Gather things to donate, and drop them off. It feels so good to physically let go of what you don’t need.

76. Make a fun music playlist.

77. Watch a movie or tv series you’ve been wanting to watch.

78. Write an appreciation note to 3 different people.

79. Clean your makeup brushes.

80. Swap out your seasonal decorations and candles.

81. Read your favorite blogs.

82. Re-arrange your furniture.

83. Start learning to play the guitar or piano.

84. Put positive affirmations on your phone that pop up during the day. (Seeing “You are healthy and beautiful” is a fantastic way to start every morning.)

85. Make a fun flavored water.

86. Start a garden inside. Plant a pot of fresh herbs on your counter or plan and prepare for a few pots outside when the weather is nicer.

87. Get ahead on your holiday gift list. Keep track of your gifts HERE>

Rainy Day Things to Do With Kids & Family

If you are home with your family or partner, these ideas are perfect!

things to do on a rainy day with kids

88. Bake to your heart’s delight.

89. Have a movie fort day. Don’t forget the popcorn and snacks!

90. Put together an amazing tea party.

91. Do some family bonding. Try these crazy fun questions:

92. Paint your nails in different colors.

93. Turn up the music and have a dance party.

94. Play a board or card game.

95. Help your kids learn good habits (and help around the house more) with a morning routine chart.

96. Make a fun photo book of your family.

97. Print these reward printable coupons to motivate kids.

98. Make a card or small gift for a neighbor, friend, or teacher.

99. Make your family bucket list to fit the season. (See: spring, summer, fall, holiday, and winter bucket lists)

100. Start a new ritual or tradition with your kids.

101. Stick a few love notes under your kids’ pillows.

102. Create family goals.

103. Have a family meeting. Touch base on important things going on like the calendar, family chores to do, and the budget.

104. Make homemade jam or jelly together.

105. Start learning a new language together.

106. Adopt a new pet (or maybe just a fish).

107. Introduce your kids to your favorite childhood cartoons. (Remember your favorite things!)

108. Start a fun read-aloud.

109. Create an indoor obstacle course.

110. Write a letter to grandma and grandpa.

111. Make slime. Find an easy recipe HERE>

112. Learn origami. Because, why not?

113. Make a gratitude board or jar.

114. Do a seasonal scavenger hunt. See St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, & Thanksgiving hunts HERE>

115. Make your own home video.

116. Create a secret family handshake or language.

117. Teach the kids to do laundry or another important chore.

Related Posts: The kids printable chore chart & bathroom cleaning checklist

And find more great activities to do at home with kids >>

What to Do on a Rainy Day With Friends

 group of friends on a couch

The following rainy day things to do at home are designed for fun with pals! (Or other loved ones too!)

118. Go bowling with friends.

119. Check out your local brewery or wine company.

120. Go out for a wine and paint night.

121. Leave a small gift at your friend’s door.

122. Schedule future plans. If you can’t get together today, put a date on your calendar!

123. Volunteer.

124. Have a “Pinterest” night where everyone makes a recipe off of Pinterest for the others to try.

125. Go on a scenic drive to somewhere you’ve never been.

126. Watch a comedy movie that makes you laugh.

127. Host a game night.

128. Start a book club.

129. Make a craft together. (I had a blast making seasonal wreaths with friends.)

130. Try out an escape room.

131. Visit a bookstore.

132. Try out a new coffee shop together.

133. Plan a party.

134. Watch an interesting documentary together.

135. Send hilarious memes to your friends.

Related Post: Fun Ways to Make Friends As an Adult

Good things to do on a rainy day with friends and family

Outside Activities When It Rains

And finally, just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you HAVE to stay inside. Perhaps it’s time to challenge your beliefs and enjoy the rain instead.

outdoor activities to do in the rain, person with umbrella

136. Dance in the rain.

137. Splash in the puddles.

138. Enjoy a fun drink on someone’s roofed porch.

139. Practice mindfulness. Pick a spot where you can listen to the rain and just be still. Use your senses to hear, smell, and feel the air around you.

140. Take a rain walk. Bring a waterproof disposable camera with you. Then, snap pictures of nature’s wonders on your walk.

141. Catch raindrops on your tongue.

142. Make mud pies with kids.

143. Paint with mud.

144. Rescue worms stuck on dry land.

145. Host a boat race.

146. Start a water gunfight.

147. Search for a rainbow.

148. Go cloud-watching.

149. Draw in wet sand.

150. Take your shoes off and squish your feet in the mud.

What’s Next?

Who needs a bad weather day!? Just making this list inspires me to do them now or on the weekend.

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What do you like to do on a rainy day? Fun things to do

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