200 Fun 30 Day Challenges That Make Your Life Better Now

Today, you’ll find amazing 30 day challenge ideas that motivate you. Plus, you’ll see that you can turn any good habit into a challenge.

And the beauty is that after you’re done with the 30 days, you have often built a lasting habit. Simply because you got used to following through.

Do 30 day challenges work?

First, sometimes 30 day challenges can be too extreme and lead to relapse later. But for small changes, they are marvelous. In fact, challenges have HANDS DOWN improved my life in the last few years.

woman with umbrella doing one of the awesome 30 day happiness challenges

Here are my favorites:

Say positive affirmations daily (30 days):

The challenge was to say them into a camera. This turned out to be a powerful tool I still love today.

Meditate (30 days):

6 years ago, I began this out of stressed-out desperation. It continues to be a beloved part of my morning routine.

Have a green smoothie every morning (21 days):

A smoothie continues to be my default breakfast even though the challenge was several years ago.

Read a book a week (1 year):

I learned more in that year than I had in multiple years combined. And I continue to read at a fast pace, 2 years later.

do 30 day challenges work? Man and woman pumping fists

Get up early (66 days):

The challenge was to rise at 5am, and it became a keystone habit that enabled working out and meditation to become more regular as well. I’m an early riser for life now.

Here’s the truth: Challenges force you to be a better person. It’s difficult to back out if you are doing it with a friend or have group accountability. That’s a powerful tool!

200 Creative 30 Day Challenge Ideas

Remember, whatever the idea, the challenge is to do it EVERY DAY for the next 30 days. (Aside from a few noted exceptions.)

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200 creative 30 day challenge ideas

30 Day Health & Food Challenges

First, these ideas will help you boost energy and focus, lose weight, and become a fitter version of yourself.

1. Cook your own meals only

2. Walk 10,000 steps a day

3. Drink a smoothie every morning

4. Eat a salad every day

5. Take supplements

6. Do X amount of (crunches, pushups, planks seconds, etc.)

7. Brush your teeth twice a day

8. Floss

9. Put sunscreen on your face

10. Get 7-8 hours of sleep

30 day challenge ideas food

11. Go to bed earlier

12. Bring a healthy lunch to work

13. Work out

14. Keep a food log

15. Walk an hour a day

16. Drink ____ ounces of water

17. Stop eating after dinner

18. Do a specific diet (the Whole 30, Keto, Vegan, etc.)

19. Cut out white sugar

20. Cut out white flour

21. Give up alcohol

22. Set out your workout clothes for the next day

23. Sign up for a weight loss app and use it for 30 days (Weight Watchers, My Body Tutor, etc.)

24. Plan out your meals every day (use this healthy list of meals!)

meal prep for a month: 30 day health challenge ideas

25. Prep your food for the next day

26. Give up ___________ for 30 days (dairy, caffeine, fried foods, etc.)

27. Stretch for 10 minutes every day

28. Do yoga (or a few yoga positions every day)

29. Stand up at your desk every hour you work

30. Take 20 minutes to finish a meal (or 30!)

31. Replace desserts with fruit

32. Make your own portion-controlled snacks

33. Eat sitting down at a table

34. Go to bed at the same time every night

35. Track your sleep

36. Make a healthy version of your favored coffee for a month

37. Try a new healthy food

38. Drink a glass of water when you wake up

39. Walk or bike to work (or another regularly visited place)

40. Only eat out at healthy places for a month

41. Quit smoking

42. Limit snacks to one

43. Give up “seconds” at meals

44. Do a walking meeting or conversation every day

45. Choose only healthy options at restaurants

46. Always take the stairs (instead of the elevator)

47. Track how you feel after you eat

48. Dance in your kitchen

49. Go meatless at lunch

50. Eat ____ amount of fruits and vegetables

Related Post: Tiny Steps to a Much Healthier You This Year

30 Day Challenge Ideas for Happiness & Wellness

woman with umbrella

Next, the following challenges for 30 days will give you a greater sense of calm, happiness, and inspiration.

51. Perform random acts of kindness

52. Check in with a friend or loved one every day

53. Write in a journal for 5 minutes a day

54. Turn off your screens one hour before bed

55. Do acts of self-care every day (see an easy 30 day self care challenge)

56. Do a self-love challenge

57. Write a thank you note

58. Meditate for 10 minutes

59. Give a gift or appreciation to someone close (try these free blank love coupons)

60. Reconnect to your hopeful future – write about something you look forward to

61. Engage in one deep conversation

62. Pray for 10 minutes

63. Breathe deeply for 5 minutes

64. Relax for 30 minutes every day

65. Keep flowers in your home

66. Do a social media detox

67. Spend 30 minutes in nature

68. Create something (a painting, a book, etc.)

69. Take a 10-minute break at work

70. Do a gratitude challenge (one action of gratitude daily)

71. Put your phone in another room when you sleep

72. Give up (or limit) the news

73. Say positive affirmations daily (with feeling) – Find great self-love affirmations here too!

74. Find a way to laugh every day

75. List 3 things you are grateful for in the morning

List 3 good things: monthly best 30 day wellness challenges

76. List 3 good things that happened to you every night

77. Experience beauty (artwork, photography, flowers, music, etc.)

78. Connect with a friend daily

79. Give someone a compliment

80. Work on a garden (or beautiful flowers)

81. Practice forgiveness (forgive yourself or someone else and let it go)

82. Help someone else

83. Ask for help

84. Spend time with your pet

85. Write one thing that makes you happy, and do it every day

86. Go outside in the sunshine

87. Eat lunch with others

88. Answer a self love & discovery journal prompt every day

89. Answer a gratitude journal prompt every day

90. Listen to music

91. Set a “no phone” time and follow it (at dinner, from 8-10 etc.)

92. Take a cold shower (or end it on cold)

93. Do a self-care checklist for 30 days

94. Squash your negative self talk

95. Write down a simple joy (that doesn’t cost money)

96. Smile at yourself in the mirror every morning

97. Make 5 people smile

98. List something you love about yourself

99. Play in some way every day for 20 minutes

100. Donate or give at least one thing

*Looking for a specific wellness challenge? Try this Glow Up Challenge For 30 Days >>

Monthly 30-Day Personal Growth Challenges

clock and calendar

Next, these 30 day challenge ideas will build discipline, increase productivity, and make your daily impact MUCH bigger.

101. Wake up at 5am in the morning (or just wake up earlier)

102. Read to learn for at least 10 minutes (See amazing book reading challenge ideas)

105. Do one thing towards your side business every day

106. Only buy essential items for 30 days (i.e. a spending freeze)

102. Create a morning routine

103. Create a night routine

107. Brew your own coffee every day (i.e. a coffee spending freeze)

108. Organize one thing in your house every day

109. Declutter 10 items every day

110. Learn something in your profession every day (read an article, talk to a mentor, etc.)

111. Do your most important task for the day FIRST

112. Only check your email 2X a day

113. Read a book a week (Find amazing book ideas for women)

114. Plan your day for tomorrow

115. Do an organize for back to school challenge

116. Plan your week ahead (once a week for 4-week challenge)

117. Practice a language for 20 minutes (or another skill you’re learning)

118. Read something spiritual like a bible verse or Buddhist teaching

119. Make one phone call a day (to make an appointment, hire help, ask for a discount, etc.)

120. Write down a motivational quote every morning

121. Cut out tv for 30 days

122. Do something that scares you every day (these do NOT have to be big – see this list of 50 ways to inch out of your comfort zone)

123. Write down your goals every day

124. Track your budget

125. Reflect on your day for 10 minutes

126. Write down 10 new ideas every day

127. Exercise your mind for 10 minutes every day (Ex. crosswords, puzzles, play cards, etc.)

128. Do an act of simplifying, automating, or delegating every day for 30 days. (You’ll be AMAZED by how much of the unnecessary you’ve cut out – get a step-by-step guide HERE)

declutter your desk after work, 30 day personal growth and self development challenges 1 month

129. Declutter your desk after work every day

130. Visualize your bright future

131. Spend at least 10 minutes every day on a house project you’ve been wanting to accomplish

132. Invest in yourself in small ways for 30 days

133. Invest in the stock market (using small funds every day to get over any fears of investing)

134. Compliment someone

135. Stop complaining

136. Do one thing off of your bucket list each day

137. Read/Listen/Watch something you wouldn’t normally do

138. Recycle one thing every day

139. Dress for success – wear clothing that makes you feel amazing

140. Memorize an inspiring and thoughtful quote

141. Find extra money every day to pay down your debts

142. Ponder your purpose, and then write it (or your mission statement) every day

143. Make your bed

144. Keep a commitment

145. Use a reusable shopping bag

146. Contribute to an emergency fund

147. Start an accountability group and do regular check-ins

148. Request feedback from someone daily

149. Meet with someone who inspires you (or listen to, read about, etc.)

150. Tidy up your home for 10 minutes every night

For more on the challenges that impacted my life, watch the video.

Then, read on for family and couples challenge ideas!

Best 1 Month Family Challenges

family ideas: arms around a heart

Now, do you want to create a close family bond? Try one of these!

151. Eat dinner together every night

152. Establish a family night ritual (once a week for 4 weeks)

153. Take a family evening walk

154. Have a blast with daily Christmas fun in December

155. Read a book out loud to the kids

156. Play a game with your family (Check out these family games, fun never ever questions, or this popular truth or dare game)

157. Establish kids routines

158. Follow through on chores with your family for 30 days

159. Do a family journal

160. Institute daily hugs (or “I love yous”)

161. Teach the kids a cooking skill every day (by the end of the month they will know how to do SO MUCH!)

162. Do one thing off of your family bucket list every day

163. Say affirmations with your kids

164. Do one of these growth mindset activities for kids and adults together

165. Have a question-based conversation every day (these this or that questions are a great start)

166. Play together for 30 minutes

167. Discuss your day as a family

168. Do a gratitude activity together

169. Go without extra screens

170. Do a family workout

171. Do something nice for someone else

172. Tell a joke

173. Leave love notes for each other

174. Taste something new

175. Create a calm and productive family morning routine

Related Posts:

30 Day Challenge Ideas for Couples

man and woman creative 30 day monthly challenges for couples

Finally, these 30 day challenges can be easy or hard, but they are sure to make your relationship stronger than ever.

176. Kiss each other goodbye

177. Spend 30 minutes (undistracted) together every night

178. Text something nice to check in

179. Listen. Just work on listening without a quick response for 30 days.

180. Set a financial goal you both want and spend the month finding the cash for it.

181. Take a nightly walk with your partner

182. Cook together

183. Train for a 5K, 10K, half marathon together. (Run it at the end of the 30 days)

184. Eat breakfast together

185. Compliment each other

186. Set a relationship goal together and spend the 30 days doing one small thing towards it daily

187. Completely plan a vacation together.

188. Spend 5 minutes snuggling with your partner

189. Establish a date night. (once a week for 4 weeks)

190. Say something positive to your partner every morning

191. Have a once a week lunch date

192. Have a deeper conversation using questions. -Try these would you rather for couples!

193. Ask for what you need (be open and direct for 30 days)

194. Speak your partner’s love language daily

195. Bring your partner coffee

196. Do chores together (or spend the challenge practicing a more even split of chores)

197. Hug daily

198. Build in 30 minutes to do your own thing (sometimes, what a relationship needs is a little space)

199. Share an appreciation daily

200. Practice forgiveness (challenge yourselves to let things go after a set period of time)

*See more great couples challenges and a free couples challenge calendar >>

How to Follow Through on a Challenge

woman excited, goals

Now, saying “I’m doing a challenge” isn’t enough to follow through the entire 30 days. So, try one of these strategies for best results. *And set them up BEFORE you start the 30 day challenges!

Get Accountability – RIGHT NOW

When the going gets tough…you will want to quit. So, make quitting difficult to do!

Here are easy ways to make sure you follow through:

  • Announce the challenge (and progress) to others
  • Tell your partner if you mess up there’s a penalty of ($5, cleaning the toilets, etc.)
  • Join a group accountability app like StickK or Spar!
  • Ask a friend to be your partner and send each other check-in texts showing proof

And don’t miss this daily checklist to keep your inspiration blazing!

Set a Reward

Now, following through on a commitment to yourself is a big deal! So, keep your momentum going by building in a small reward every 7-10 days and a big reward at the end!

Small Rewards:

  • a quality piece of dark chocolate
  • a new book
  • a bottle of fancy veggie juice
  • a night of watching your favorite show

A Larger Reward:

  • a cute new outfit
  • an outing or vacation
  • a professional pedicure

Remember, be sure that your reward doesn’t sabotage the goal itself. For example, if it’s a food challenge, don’t make food the reward! For other great inexpensive ideas, check out these healthy reward ideas!

Take Stock of Your Progress

free habit tracker printable

Some days are plain unmotivating. That’s why it helps to have data proving that you are making progress (even if it’s slow). Use this free habit tracker template, mark an X in your planner for each day, or jot down how you feel each night to remind yourself that it’s worth it.

Remember Your Why

And finally, ten days into the challenge you might be wondering why in the world you wanted to do such a crazy thing in the first place! So, write out your “why” in one sentence. What is the biggest benefit you gain from this new beautiful habit?

Once you have the statement written, post it on your mirror, walls, and anywhere else you’ll see it often.

To Consider With Fun 30 Day Challenges

There’s no question. A 30 day challenge is a powerful way to jump into good habits and get rid of bad ones. So, what are you waiting for? What will your next 30 day challenges be? I’d love to know in the comments!

30 days challenge ideas pin

More great habits and routines for adults….

Challenge Ideas for 30 Days You’ll Want to Do Right Now!