50 Fun Valentine’s Day Would You Rather Questions You’ll Love for 2025

Valentine’s Day would you rather questions spark lively discussions to make this love fest memorable. Get everyone talking, and a few giggles going too!

would you rather free printable Valentine's Day edition

Would you rather see a chocolate volcano erupt or walk through a whipped cream cloud?

How To Play Valentines Day Would You Rather

It’s easy to play this family-friendly game! Choose between the two scenarios given.

Pull these questions out for:

  • Valentine’s Day party games
  • Family dinner
  • Indoor recess activities
  • While waiting in line, at a restaurant, or in the car with your kids

*Keep reading for more game variations and to grab the 10 free printable cards!

Funny Valentine’s Day Would You Rather Questions

funny Valentines day would you rather

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1. Would you rather have Cupid’s wings or Aladdin’s flying carpet?

2. Would you rather spend the day with Cupid or Jack Frost?

3. Would you rather swim in a bathtub full of red jello or chocolate syrup?

4. Would you rather sing a love song to your whole class or say “I love you” to every person who says hello for a day?

5. Would you rather get a sloppy kiss from a dog or a horse?

6. Would you rather snuggle up with a kitten or a puppy?

7. Would you rather own a giant chocolate fountain or a giant stuffed teddy bear?

8. Would you rather have to go on a blind date or go on a date with someone you know a little but don’t like being around?

9. Would you rather write a Valentine’s Day text using heart emojis or funny puns?

“I ‘mustache’ you to be my Valentine.”

10. Would you rather have a stomach ache from overeating chocolate or have to spend a day with a spoiled prince/princess?

11. Would you rather have to tell a cheesy pick-up line or sing a love song in front of your crush?

12. Would you rather drink a love potion or go through life without falling in love?

13. Would you rather make people fall in love like Cupid or take kids’ teeth for money like the tooth fairy?

14. Would you rather have red jelly beans for teeth or a Hershey’s Kiss for a nose?

15. Would you rather have to wear a t-shirt that says “stealing hearts blasting farts” or accidentally fall into a fountain in front of a group?


Fun Valentine’s Day Would You Rather For Kids

Easy kids would you rather for Valentine's day, kindergarten brain break game

16. Would you rather spend Valentine’s Day in an ice castle (Frozen) or a tree house (Tangled)?

17. Would you rather have a talking frog or a talking teddy bear?

18. Would you rather celebrate Valentine’s Day in the fall or Halloween in the spring?

19. Would you rather have pink or blue hair?

20. Would you rather be a prince/princess or a warrior/knight?

21. Would you rather have a Valentine’s Day card that plays music or a teddy bear that dances?

22. Would you rather have red skin or completely white eyes?

23. Would you rather sing a famous love song or act in a famous romantic movie?

24. Would you rather be trapped at a cheesy wedding or trapped in a room where everyone is holding hands?

25. Would you rather uncover a mysterious love letter or an old artifact?

26. Would you rather have to dress in pink or black for the rest of your life?

27. Would you rather fill your room with cheesy heart decorations for a month or only communicate through heart-shaped notes for a day?

28. Would you rather have a heartbeat so loud others could hear it or have to whisper I love you at the end of every sentence?

29. Would you rather sneeze out lovebugs or hiccup butterflies?

30. Would you rather have to rap a love poem or dance to a love song?

31. Would you rather get Valentine’s Cards from 20 people or one special one from your best friend?

32. Would you rather ride a gondola in Venice or visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris?

33. Would you rather hear a funny Valentine’s Day joke or solve a love riddle?

34. Would you rather have body odor that smelled like chocolate or breath that smelled like roses?

35. Would you rather receive 12 black roses or a box of veggie-filled chocolates?

36. Would you rather spend Valentine’s Day in a cozy cabin or a 5-star hotel?

37. Would you rather give someone a love coupon or a gift you buy at the store?

38. Would you rather find true love or have lots of money for the rest of your life?

39. Would you rather spend time with someone or get a gift from someone?

40. Would you rather play fun Valentine’s Day trivia or watch a romantic movie?


Valentine Edition Would You Rather Food

food questions for middle school

Would you rather…

41. Eat spicy chocolates or sour conversation hearts?

42. Munch on a heart-shaped pizza or steak and lobster?

43. Cook at home or go out to a restaurant?

44. Savor truffles or cheesecake?

45. Dip into cheese fondue or chocolate fondue?

46. Eat an asparagus dipped in ketchup or an oyster dipped in ranch?

47. Eat only red foods or eat only white foods?

48. Drip honey or drip chocolate sauce on pizza?

49. Share pasta or dessert with someone else?

50. Go on a coffee date or go on a dinner date?


Fun Game Variations

Dinner Table Ideas

  • Ask everyone the same question. Go around the table to hear all the answers.
  • Ask every person a different question.
  • Ask the question and guess what the person beside you will say.

Brain Break: Valentine’s Day Would You Rather

Instead of saying the answer aloud, kids do an exercise for the option they choose:

For example: “Would you rather have to dress in pink or black for the rest of your life?” Have kids hop in place if they choose pink and skip if they choose black.

Related: Winter Edition This or That Game

Would You Rather Valentine Edition Online

Facetime these questions with family and friends who live far away. Or post a few questions on social media and have friends comment with their responses.

Play In The Car

I love asking these for road trips or to and from family activities!

Here are more questions to explore in the car:

Free Valentine’s Day Would You Rather Cards Printable

Valentine's day would you rather activities, prompts, free pdf

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What’s Next?

Grab these love notes in a jar ideas to help you make a Valentine’s Day gift that’s affordable and unforgettable.

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