Fun Easter 5 Second Game That Will Have Your Family Laughing

This Easter 5 Second Rule Game is a lively family game with quick thinking. Players must name three things in a category within 5 seconds.

Who can play? All ages! It’s perfect for your Easter party, Easter Sunday, or a fun spring family night!

Beware: Players may get tongue-tied, blurt out funny answers, and laugh a lot!

Easter 5 second game edition for kids and adults

Now, let’s hop to it!

*Find out how to grab the printable Easter 5 Second Rule Game Cards below to make group play even easier and more fun! – coming soon!

Easter name game, 5 second rule game questions for spring

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5 Second Rule Game


Score points by naming three things in a category within 5 seconds.

Supplies Needed

  • 5 Second Rule Game Questions
  • A timer that makes a sound (use your phone!)
  • Scorecard & Pen

Easter 5 Second Game Rules

1. Determine a player to go first in the Hot Seat.

2. The player to the left of the Hot Seat player reads a question aloud. All questions begin “Name 3….” followed by the category.

3. As soon as the question is read, start the 5-second timer. The player in the Hot Seat has 5 seconds to give 3 answers. If the player succeeds, they get one point.

4. If the player cannot name all 3 answers before the 5 seconds is up, no points are given and play moves to the next player on the right. That player now gets 5 seconds to answer the same question. However, they cannot use any answers previously given for that question.

5. Play continues until someone can name 3 answers in 5 seconds for that question and wins a point.

6. If play gets back to the original player without anyone getting the point, the original player gets one point.

7. Play continues around the circle with a different question. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

*If you are unsure if an answer is acceptable, the entire group may decide. See the end of the article for more gameplay variations we like to use!

Fun Easter 5 Second Rule Game Questions

Name 3 types of Easter candy

1. Name 3 types of Easter candy

2. Name 3 activities people do on Easter Sunday

3. Name 3 colors associated with Easter

4. Name 3 symbols for Easter

5. Name 3 things you wear on Easter

6. Name 3 items used to decorate Easter Eggs

7. Name 3 ways to eat a chocolate bunny

8. Name 3 Easter egg hiding spots indoors

9. Name 3 things you might find in an Easter basket

10. Name 3 Easter words that start with the letter B

11. Name 3 things you associate with Easter

12. Name 3 things you would find in a spring garden

13. Name 3 things you could pack for a spring picnic

14. Name 3 places you might go for an Easter egg hunt

15. Name 3 Easter-themed decorations

16. Name 3 places you might find an Easter basket

17. Name 3 Spring holidays

18. Name 3 Easter desserts

19. Name 3 words that rhyme with ‘bunny’

20. Name 3 Easter egg hiding spots outside

21. Name 3 flavors of jelly beans

22. Name 3 flowers you see in spring

23. Name 3 things to do on a rainy day

24. Name 3 places you wouldn’t want to find an Easter egg

25. Name 3 words that rhyme with ‘egg’

26. Name 3 things that get muddy in spring

27. Name 3 types of baby animals born in spring

28. Name 3 games to play on Easter

29. Name 3 types of berries

30. Name 3 garden tools

31. Name 3 words that rhyme with ‘flower’

32. Name 3 animals associated with Easter

33. Name 3 words to describe the Easter Bunny

34. Name 3 things you might have with Easter ham

35. Name 3 relatives you visit on Easter

36. Name 3 things that bunnies eat

37. Name 3 friends the Easter Bunny might have

38. Name 3 Easter traditions

39. Name 3 things people buy for Easter

40. Name 3 things that hop

41. Name 3 colors of tulips

42. Name 3 spring months

43. Name 3 Easter brunch foods

44. Name 3 egg-based dishes

45. Name 3 ways to cook eggs

46. Name 3 things you could find in an Easter egg besides candy

47. Name 3 Easter dinner ideas

48. Name 3 Easter egg colors

49. Name 3 outdoor springtime activities

50. Name 3 things that start with the letter E

51. Name 3 words that rhyme with ‘hop’

52. Name 3 things made with marshmallows

53. Name 3 things you can put in eggs

54. Name 3 places you might celebrate Easter

55. Name 3 things that have a tail

56. Name 3 animals you could find in a forest

57. Name 3 animals that hatch from eggs

58. Name 3 Easter emojis

59. Name 3 spring cleaning tasks

60. Name 3 names for a pet bunny


More Challenging Easter Name Game Ideas

man and woman thinking

61. Name 3 fluffy things

62. Name 3 things the Easter Bunny might say

63. Name 3 Easter traditions from different countries

Try out this fun game of Easter Trivia too!

64. Name 3 things that can come in pastel colors

65. Name 3 reasons the Easter Bunny would be late to Easter

66. Name 3 things the Easter Bunny might forget to deliver

67. Name 3 ways to avoid eating too much candy

68. Name 3 signs someone has definitely eaten too much candy

69. Name 3 Easter-themed books or movies

70. Name 3 things that would ruin an Easter egg hunt

71. Name 3 places you’d see the Easter bunny

72. Name 3 plants that grow from bulbs

73. Name 3 spring fashion trends

74. Name 3 foods with carrots in them

75. Name 3 Easter jokes, riddles, or puns

76. Name 3 snacks shaped like bunnies

77. Name 3 words that could come after Easter

78. Name 3 animals with floppy ears

79. Name 3 Easter tourist destinations

80. Name 3 famous rabbits

81. Name 3 jelly bean brands

82. Name 3 famous Easter egg hunts

83. Name 3 springtime scents

84. Name 3 spring things you might do on a farm

85. Name 3 things you might find inside a chocolate Easter egg

86. Name 3 patterns on an Easter egg

Religious Easter 5 Second Ideas

87. Name 3 symbols of the resurrection

88. Name 3 things you’d find in a church on Easter Sunday

89. Name 3 miracles of Jesus

90. Name 3 parables told by Jesus

91. Name 3 disciples of Jesus

92. Name 3 prayers or blessings you can say on Easter

93. Name 3 things Jesus taught about love

94. Name 3 holy days in the spring

95. Name 3 activities you might do on Good Friday

96. Name 3 things associated with Easter Monday

97. Name 3 things someone might give up for Lent

98. Name 3 popular Easter songs/hymns

99. Name 3 things that rise

100. Name 3 people present at Jesus’ crucifixion

Digital Shop Game Cards

Love this name game? Grab the game cards in the digital shop to keep your own printable version handy!

printable Easter 5 second game cards

More Fun Holiday Games

5 second game questions, printable cards, Easter edition

Easter 5 Second Game Variations

The 5 Second Rule Game can be changed to add complexity or make simpler. Rules can cater to the group.

  • Team Play: Instead of individual play, this game can be played in two-person teams
  • Add Items: Players have to name 4 or 5 things instead of 3.
  • Give Passes: Let a player opt to pass one time per game. That question can be thrown out and a new question is asked.
  • Adjust Speed: Decrease the time limit to 3 seconds for a faster-paced game OR increase the time to 10 seconds to help young kids.
  • Allow Repeats: In our family, we allow our kids to repeat answers the previous player gave when a question is passed to them. It keeps the game fun and less stressful!

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