150 Two Truths and a Lie Ideas: Best to Trick Others (2024)

What are good 2 truths and a lie?

Two truths and a lie is a popular game in groups, at school, with business meetings, and even at home! It’s a fantastic ice breaker when you are with someone you don’t know.

Or it can be a deeper way to know a loved one (if you pick challenging facts).

best two truths and a lie ideas and examples for icebreaker

How to Play Two Truths and a Lie

Luckily, this fun game is simple and straightforward. To play, one person writes down three statements about themselves. The statements should be made up of two truths and one lie. An example could be:

  • I have been to Australia.
  • Dogman is my favorite book series.
  • I love classical music.

Next, share your three statements. The other players in the group try to pick out your lie. After some guessing, the player reveals which one it is.

Then, you can continue sharing, or let the person who guessed correctly go next.

How to play two truths and a lie and important game rules: teenagers on stairs

How to Be Tricky

Check out these simple tips to trick your friends, family, and classmates. In general, make your truths unbelievable and your lies believable for the best results. Most people will pick out the things that sound craziest.

  • Mix the order of your lie (never keep it in the same spot too long)
  • Keep your truths and lie short and sweet – no rambling!
  • Avoid saying your lie last (it’s what people remember most)
  • Use similar truths and lies
  • Avoid outrageous lies (but feel free to make the truths wild!)
  • Use a good “poker face”
girl making silly face

150 Funny 2 Truths and a Lie Ideas

Now, the list below has ideas for both kids and adults. Plus, these lies can also be truths, which is what makes them so great! Pick a few or use them for inspiration as you make your own!

Good Family/Childhood Two Truths and a Lie

1. My mom and I have the same middle name.

2. My __________ (grandmother, uncle, etc.) taught me to _________ (yodel, make a pie from scratch, rebuild an engine, etc.)

3. I share(d) a room with my brother or sister.

4. I once had a wild animal for a pet.

Easy and creative 2 truths and a lie for kids

5. I have five siblings.

6. My great-grandfather was a fighter pilot in World War 2.

7. I own a pet turtle. (or any animal)

8. I have a half-sister.

9. I’m a twin.

10. My parents won’t let me get a phone until I’m older.

11. I used to live in another state.

12. My sibling and I are 12 years apart in age.

13. I was named after a famous person.

14. I own something special (a ring, book, etc.) that has been passed down in my family.

15. I don’t have any siblings.

16. I’ve lived in more than 3 places in my life.

17. I have 2 dogs.

18. I don’t have any cousins. (or the opposite, I have 20 cousins)

19. One of my parents was born in a different country.

20. I was born in a different country.

*Related: How Well Do You Know Me Game Quiz

Best Achievements Examples

two truths and a lie examples virtually and in person game

21. I have won a national contest. (or received an award)

22. I got straight As last year.

23. I have won a school contest.

24. I once wrote an entire song. (or book)

25. I can hold my breath underwater for 1 minute.

26. I speak more than one language.

27. I have climbed a mountain.

28. I have read every book in a multi-book series. (Harry Potter, Magic Treehouse, etc.)

29. I was the first person in my family to go to college.

30. I’ve lost over 50 pounds of weight.

Fun Skill and Talents for 2 Truths and a Lie

skills and talents, adults sitting

31. I can do a back handspring.

32. I know how to juggle.

33. I know how to scuba dive.

34. I know how to ski.

35. I can play the guitar. (piano, accordion, banjo, harmonica, violin, etc.)

36. I can say the alphabet backward.

37. I know how to make a campfire.

38. I can sew.

39. I can blow a gigantic bubble of bubble gum.

40. I know how to cook delicious food.

41. I’m really good at archery.

42. I can write in cursive.

43. I can solve the Rubik’s cube.

44. I can whistle.

45. I can do a magic trick that you won’t be able to figure out.


Good Lies For Frightening Fears

funny examples of two truths and a lie for team building

46. Clowns freak me out.

47. I am afraid of spiders. (or any other animal)

48. I’m scared of elevators.

49. I’m scared of the dark.

50. I don’t like heights.

51. I don’t like to fly.

52. Speaking in front of people makes me really nervous.

53. I don’t like seeing or talking about blood.

54. I get crazy about germs, and would describe myself as a “germaphobe.”

55. I REALLY do not like needles.

Game on: Sports Two Truths and a Lie

sports equipment

56. I once scored the game-winning shot/goal.

57. I’ve taken dance lessons.

58. I once ran in a big race (marathon, 5k, 10k, etc.)

59. I love to skateboard.

60. I love to swim.

61. I love playing basketball. (or any sport)

62. I dream of being in the professional league (NFL, NBA, WNBA, etc.)

63. I get up before 6:00 am to practice my sport.

64. I don’t know how to ride a bike. (Or I haven’t done it in a very long time)

65. I love keeping statistics on everything sports-related.

66. I want to be a coach someday.

67. I am really good at bowling.

68. I play a sport that few people know about.

69. I once got a concussion while playing a sport.

70. I’d do just about anything to get out of playing sports.

*Need a prize for the winner? Check out these free coupons!

Funny Personality Traits for Two Truths and a Lie

random personality examples for two truths and a lie, great icebreaker

71. I hate the color red.

72. I like to get up early.

73. I prefer to stay up after midnight.

74. My favorite subject is Math (reading, art, etc.)

75. I like wearing shorts when it’s really cold.

76. I can’t stand people telling me what to do.

77. I prefer cats to dogs.

78. I love to play practical jokes on people.

79. I am left-handed.

80. I cry easily.

81. I have dyed my hair a crazy color before.

82. Music would always be on if it were up to me.

83. I’m a horrible procrastinator.

84. I love playing video games.

85. I’m a perfectionist.

Unique 2 Truths & a Lie Ideas That Make You Think

kids in a circle smiling and laughing

86. I don’t have Netflix.

87. I was trapped in an elevator once.

88. I hate roller coasters.

89. I love scary movies.

90. I hate chocolate.

91. I think babies are weird-looking.

92. Someone famous lives in my neighborhood.

93. I have been on tv.

94. I have seen a whale in the ocean (or dolphin, shark, etc.).

95. I’ve been stung by a jellyfish.

96. I won a beauty contest once.

97. I have met a really famous person (the president, a famous celebrity, etc.)

98. I’m allergic to bees.

99. I collect ornaments from different places (coffee cups, shirts, etc.)

100. I don’t have a tv in my living room/family room.

101. I’ve seen a bear in the wild. (or other cool, large animal).

102. I’ve built a treehouse before.

103. I’ve had braces twice.

104. I once found a large sum of money on the ground.

105. I have a birthmark that looks like something (an animal, cloud, star, etc.)

Related Ice Breaker Games:

Intriguing Life Examples for a Lie and Two Truths

flirty and fun 2 truths and a lie game ideas: I have used a passport

106. I have used a passport.

107. I’ve been in a submarine.

108. I am colorblind.

109. I speak Spanish (or another language).

110. I know how to grow fruits and vegetables.

111. I had my appendix taken out.

115. I’ve had surgery before.

116. I don’t want to get married.

117. I have never ridden on a plane before.

118. I’ve never had a cavity before. (see other fun never have I ever questions)

119. I’ve been in a near-death experience.

120. I’m a ____________ (MMA fighter, team mascot, pilot, or any other fun job)

Check out fun examples and tips in the video too!

Then, keep reading for ideas!

Fun Food Lie Ideas

good food examples, table of food

121. I am allergic to strawberries.

122. I eat gluten-free.

123. I hate spicy food.

124. I am a vegetarian.

125. I’ve eaten a bug before.

126. I’ve never had coffee before.

127. I’ve never had pop before.

128. I love oysters.

129. I’ve never gotten ice cream from a truck before.

130. I have never tasted fresh coconut.

131. I think guacamole is gross.

132. I love the smell of chili (pie, etc.)

133. Jello makes me gag.

134. I’m a very picky eater.

135. My favorite flavor of ice cream is __________ (mint, vanilla, cookie dough, etc.)

Related Post:

Funny Two Truths and a Lie Examples

funny two truths and a lie examples: eggs on a beach

136. I once convinced my mom it was Saturday, when it wasn’t.

137. I once tried to convince my mom it was a snow day, when it wasn’t.

138. When I was younger, I wanted to be a famous singer (rockstar, actor, etc.)

139. I once used a fake name.

140. I hate cleaning so much that I hide stuff when people come over.

141. I can touch my nose with my tongue.

142. I’m not ticklish.

143. I’ve cut my own hair.

144. I’ve cut my sister’s hair.

145. I have hurt myself while being distracted on my phone.

146. When I was young, my baby doll’s eye popped out.

147. If I could, I would wear pajamas as day clothes every day.

148. I’m really good at keeping secrets.

149. I rock myself to sleep at night.

150. I have never lost a bet before.

Related Post: The Best Funny Questions for Anyone

Make it Harder Examples For Work

To give your group a challenge, encourage participants to only write down statements that start with the same letter, or that stick with just one of the categories above.

Also, you can put the written 2 truths and a lie into a hat and try to guess which person in the group wrote the statements before guessing the lie.

Classroom 2 Truths and a Lie Game

2 truths and a lie in the classroom or at work, great for team building

The following strategies also work well when doing two truths and a lie for students:

  • Divide students into groups of 4.
  • Have students say their names first (so that others can associate a name with the details).
  • Encourage students to choose unique/fun/obscure statements.
  • After guessing all of the lies, have the group share the best two truths and a lie with the rest of the class. See if you can stump them too!

*More Great Posts For Classrooms:

This game is great as an icebreaker, but also fun when you are working on specific vocabulary! I loved using this game in language classrooms in my former career.

A Fun Student Variation: Two Truths and a Dream

To try something different, substitute the lie for a wish. The person says something that he/she wishes were true. Expressing dreams will help you connect on a more meaningful level with this game.

A two truths and a wish example:

  • I think chocolate cake is gross.
  • I wrote a best-selling book. (the dream)
  • I walked straight into a glass wall.

*Encourage others to set goals first or make a dream map first! Here’s an example >>

Two Truths and a Lie at Home

best at home ideas

Finally, this game is also fun for family night! While family members know each other well, that doesn’t mean you can’t use the unique ideas to know someone better!

Consider these questions when you are playing with people you know well…

  • What is a wish you have that you often keep to yourself?
  • What skill did you recently develop that your family may not know about yet?
  • What is something unique you own that your family hasn’t seen?
  • What do you love doing at school/work that your immediate family doesn’t know about?

Related Post: The Best 21 Questions Game (Great for family night!)

Common Questions

How do you do two truths and a lie virtually?

This game is a great one to do online. Have everyone write down their truths and lie, and then take turns having everyone speak. Guessing which one is the lie can be done out loud or through a chat feature.

What is 3 truths and a lie?

This is the same game, in a harder version. Instead of writing two truths, you are writing three. Can they still guess the lie?

What’s next?

Play at home, in the classroom, or as the perfect ice breaker at work or church. And please share your best 2 truths and a lie statements in the comments! I’d love to know!

Now, head to our Youtube channel to watch the video Icebreaker Questions for Kids for more fun ways to connect.

a lie and two truths examples funny for work or school

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