110 August Trivia Questions and Fun Facts With Answers (2025)

August trivia will explore historical events, quirky facts, notable birthdays, and other intriguing tidbits.

Whether you are a trivia enthusiast or curious about this month’s hidden gems, explore what makes the month of August unique!

August trivia questions and answers for kids and adults

Fun Fact: People born in August are highly confident, determined, hard-working, and strong. They make excellent CEOs or bosses.

fun trivia for august; history; night; birthday

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August Symbols (Picture Quiz Round)

Can you name these iconic August symbols in this trivia picture round?

August symbols





August picture symbols quiz



Hazel tree

The Bear is August’s spirit animal and represents stability and reason.

Easy August Fun Facts Trivia For Kids

9. What month does August come after?

Answer: July (Related: July Trivia Questions and Answers)

10. What month does August come before?

Answer: September (Related: September Trivia Questions and Answers)

11. What month is August in the calendar?

Answer: The 8th month of the year.

12. What meteorological season is the month of August in the Northern Hemisphere?

Answer: Summer (See more Summer Trivia)

13. What meteorological season is the month of August in the Southern Hemisphere?

Answer: Winter (See more Winter Trivia)

14. How many days does the month of August have?

Answer: 31 days

15. If you are born June 23rd-August 22nd, you are considered what zodiac sign?

Answer: Leo

16. If you are born August 23rd-September 22nd, you are considered what zodiac sign?

Answer: Virgo

17. True or False: August was named after Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome.

Answer: True

18. The astrological sign of Leo takes up the first two-thirds of this month. What is the animal associated with the Leo sign?

Answer: The Lion

19. True or False: People born under the sign of the Leo tend to be negative and deceitful.

Answer: False: They are full of energy and positivity and are very honest and forthright.

Fun Fact: Leos are known for their capacity for love.

20. What flower of August is known for its sedative nature?

Answer: The poppy

21. True or False: The full moon in August goes by the names Barley moon, Fruit Moon, and Grain Moon all of which allude to the forth-coming harvest season.

Answer: True

trivia about August for kids; summer; month

22. True or False: There are no major federal holidays celebrated during August.

Answer: True

23. What month of the year was August on the old ten-month Roman calendar?

Answer: The 6th month

24. What is the term for the Dog Star that rises with the sun in August and is part of the Canis Major constellation?

Answer: Sirius

25. Which continent experiences a monsoon season in August?

Answer: Asia

26. August is the last full month of what season in the Northern Hemisphere?

Answer: Summer

27. What Atlantic weather activity increases later in August?

Answer: Hurricanes

28. Average temperatures and what else starts to decrease in August?

Answer: Daylight

29. The risk for what type of storms is high in the northern states in August?

Answer: Tornadoes

30. August is the wettest month for parts of the South and also what state?

Answer: Alaska

31. What weather phenomenon can start to happen in late August in the peaks of the Rockies?

Answer: Snow

32. In August 1762, what popular lunch food was invented? (Hint: It is easily packed in a lunch box.)

Answer: The sandwich (Related: Lunch Box Jokes)

33. Who was it created by?

Answer: The Earl of Sandwich after he requested meat between two pieces of bread so he could eat with his hands.

34. True or False: In a standard year, 4 other months begin on the same day of the week as August.

False: No other months do.

35. What do students typically call the end of summer and the start of the new school year in August?

Answer: Back-to-school


Best August Picture Trivia Round

Name the August national days pictured in this trivia round (Bonus points if you know the date).

Fun Fact: August is National Wellness Month, Family Fun Month, Peach Month, National Sandwich Month, and more. Celebrate something everyday!

august celebrations; facts; picture quizzes

National Girlfriends Day- August 1

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day- August 2

National Sunflower Day- August 3

National Watermelon Day- August 3

interesting fun august facts; celebrations

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day- August 4

National Work Like A Dog Day- August 5

National Underwear Day- August 5

National Root Beer Float Day- August 6

national celebration days

Purple Heart Day- August 7

National Pickleball Day- August 8

National Whataburger Day- August 8

National Dollar Day- August 8

national celebration days picture quiz round

National Frozen Custard Day- August 8

National Passion Fruit Day- August 9

National Book Lovers Day- August 9 (Grab a new book to read!)

National S’mores Day- August 10

august national celebration day picture quiz

Play in the Sand Day- August 11

National Son’s and Daughter’s Day- August 11

National Relaxation Day- August 15

National Tell A Joke Day- August 16 (Tell Egg Jokes, Duck Jokes, & Sports Jokes!)

August celebrations and holidays fun facts trivia

National I Love My Feet Day! – August 17

National Fajita Day- August 18

National Potato Day- August 19

National Aviation Day- August 19

senior citizens; tooth fairy; sponge cake; waffle day

National Senior Citizens Day- August 21

National Tooth Fairy Day- August 22

National Sponge Cake Day- August 23

National Waffle Day- August 24

peach pie, banana split, kiss and make up, cherry popsicle

National Peach Pie Day- August 24

National Banana Split Day- August 25

National Kiss and Make Up Day- August 25

National Cherry Popsicle Day- August 26

celebration days

National Women’s Equality Day- August 26

National Dog Day- August 26

National Peach Day- August 27

National Thoughtful Day- August 28

red wine, bow tie, lemon juice, beach day

National Red Wine Day- August 28

National Bow Tie Day- August 28

National Lemon Juice Day- August 29

National Beach Day- August 30

76. What happens August 1-7 to honor the first recognized group of organized clowns?

Answer: International Clown Week

77. What day is observed on August 13 to celebrate the uniqueness of non-right-handers?

Answer: National Left-Handers Day

78. All during the month of August, you can celebrate your loveable canine pals with what celebration?

Answer: National Dog Month

79. Arrr-gust is also know for this that inspiring buccaneers will enjoy. What is it?

Answer: International Pirate Month (Free Printable Pirate Hunt!)


Fun August Pop Culture Trivia

These pop culture events all took place in August.

80. “Video Killed the Radio Star” was the first video shown on August 1, 1981, on what new network?

Answer: MTV

81. In 1957, what show debuted on the ABC television network with host Dick Clark?

Answer: American Bandstand

82. In 1992, what Growing Pains actress was hospitalized for anorexia and written out of most of the final episodes for the series?

Answer: Tracy Gold

83. In 1969, at a ‘zebra crossing’ in London, photographer Ian Macmillan took one of the most famous photographs of all time of what band?

Answer: The Beatles (See more music trivia)

84. In 1984, what movie starring Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen, became the first-ever PG-13 movie to be released in theaters?

Answer: Red Dawn

85. Disney released it’s 5th full-length animated film in theaters in 1942. What was it?

Answer: Bambi (See Kids’ Movie Trivia)

86. In August of 1969, what three-day event opened in upstate New York with 500,000 attendees?

Answer: Woodstock

August pop culture trivia questions and answers

87. What American swimmer became the first person to win eight gold medals in one Olympic Games in 2008?

Answer: Michael Phelps (Related: Best Olympics Trivia)

88. What Thor actor was born on August, 11?

Answer: Chris Hemsworth (Related: Birthday Trivia Facts)

89. What “Queen of Pop” was born on August 16, 1958?

Answer: Madonna

90. What beloved Friends star celebrated his birthday on August 19?

Answer: Matthew Perry

91. What famed sharpshooter was born on August 13, 1860?

Answer: Annie Okaley

92. What famous moonwalker was Born on August 5, 1930?

Answer: Neil Armstrong

93. Everyone loved this actress and business woman born on August 6, 1911. Who was she?

Answer: Lucille Ball

94. What master of fright was appropriately born on August 13, 1899?

Answer: Alfred Hitchcock

Interesting August History Facts Trivia

These historical events all happened in the month of August.

mug and books

95. In 1774, British scientist Joseph Priestley re-discovered what gas verifying the discovery of it by German Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele?

Answer: Oxygen

96. In 1610, Henry Hudson sailed into what is now known as what bay? (He thought he had reached the Pacific Ocean)

Answer: Hudson Bay

97. In 1790, 3,929,214 people were counted in the first of these?

Answer: United States Census

98. In 1870, the first underground tube railway opened in London, England. What was it named?

Answer: Tower Subway

99. On August 2, 1990, what country invaded Kuwait leading to the Gulf War?

Answer: Iraq

100. In 1492 who set sail on the ocean blue?

Answer: Christopher Columbus

101. In 1944, who was arrested in Amsterdam by German Security Police following a tip-off from an informer who was never identified?

Answer: Anne Frank

102. Who spent 91 minutes underwater in a sealed tank before escaping as one of his greatest stunts in 1926?

Answer: Harry Houdini

103. In 1945, “Little Boy” was dropped and destroyed what town?

Answer: Hiroshima, Japan

104. In 1892, Thomas Edison received a patent for what?

Answer: A two-way telegraph

105. On August 9, 2014, who was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer, sparking protests and unrest?

Answer: Michael Brown

106. In 1873, what museum opened in France?

Answer: Louvre Museum

107. In 1990, Sue was discovered. She was the largest and most complete of what found to date?

Answer: Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton

108. In 1911, what painting was stolen by a Louvre employee, Vincenzo Peruggia? It was returned in 1913. (source)

Answer: The Mona Lisa

109. On August 28, 1996, what famous royal couple got divorced?

Answer: Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales

110. In 2005, what devastated the US Gulf Coast, from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle, killing an estimated 1,836 people?

Answer: Hurricane Katrina

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August trivia questions and answers quiz with fun facts

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Trivia Quiz About August (Questions And Answers)

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