51 Best Books on Growth Mindset for Kids and Adults

Can You Teach a Growth Mindset?

You bet you can! And growth mindset books are an excellent way to do it!

First, I think it’s best to let the expert clarify…

The best books on growth mindset for kids and adults 2023

“If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.”

– Carol Dweck (world-renowned psychologist, author, and professor)

But this isn’t just for your kids! It benefits adults too. And sharing books on the growth mindset that explain the values of grit, determination, and lifelong learning is an amazing way to develop it in everyone.

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51 of the best growth mindset books for kids and adults

*Not sure what the growth mindset is? Check out an explanation here along with 75 powerful mindset quotes.

Now, buy them or grab them free from the library. Either way, you’ll be equipping your home with beautiful life lessons.

Top Growth Mindset Books for Kids

You’ll find the age range with each book below because they’re helpful. HOWEVER, use them as a guideline and not a hard rule. Many of these growth mindset books for kids work well with kids younger or older than what the ages say.

Growth Mindest Picture Books: Ages 0-3

Giraffes Can’t Dance – Ages 2-9

picture books for children: Giraffes Can't Dance

Giraffes Can’t Dance is a sweet board book that follows the journey of one giraffe who desperately wants to dance, but doesn’t seem to have the right moves. Then, he finds inspiration from an unlikely friend and learns that all he needs is his own rhythm.

The Little Engine That Could – Ages 0-3

growth mindset board books: The Little Engine That Could

This wonderful classic is a great beginner book in any child’s library. It’s the tale of one little engine that got a desperate crew over the mountain with her can-do attitude.

See other good 3 year old story books here >>

Growth Mindset Children’s Books: Ages 4-12

*Make reading exciting with these FREE printable coloring bookmark pages!

Growth mindset children's books, After the Fall, Wonderful, Making a Splash

After the Fall (How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again) – Ages 4-8

What happened after Humpty Dumpty fell off his wall? Poor Humpty became afraid of heights after his great tumble. Follow him as he summons the courage to conquer this new fear.

See Humpty HERE >>

The Wonderful Things You Will Be: Ages 3-7

This sweet rhyming book expresses all of the dreams parents hope for their children. May they grow. May they be loving, kind, and compassionate, among so many other wonderful possibilities.

Making a Splash – Growth Mindset for Kids

This is a story of a brother and sister learning to swim. To one it comes easily, and to the other, it is a struggle. The book teaches kids that there is value and learning in this hardship. It is one of the few books that is written specifically to teach the growth mindset to children, plus has practical activities for parents and teachers.

Check out Making a Splash HERE >>

growth mindset books for kids: Not Yet, She Persisted, Y is for Yet

Not Yet

Not yet follows the main character Lorisa in a full day of her life. Young readers watch as Lorisa makes mistakes, has successes, and demonstrates a positive attitude at home and at school.

She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World: Ages 4-8

Meet 13 women who helped shape our country through their courage, tenacity, and determination to never give up. And often in the face of incredible odds.

She Persisted reminds us that “persistence is power.”

Y is for Yet: A Growth Mindset Alphabet: Ages 4-8

Y is for Yet explores a beautiful lesson. Mistakes aren’t just mistakes; they’re growth spurts. And the book uses the framework of the ABCs to begin teaching about the opportunities that open up with a growth mindset.

The Most Magnificent Thing: Ages 3-7

The Most Magnificent Thing

This is the story of a young girl as she makes the most magnificent thing she can imagine. Except, it turns out to be much harder than she thought. After repeated failure, she quits. When her dog convinces her to take a break and come back to the project, she returns to get it just right.

This book illustrates perfectly the rewards of perseverance and grit.

See the Most Magnificent Thing HERE >>

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes – Ages 4-8

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes

In this cute story, Beatrice is the girl who’s usually perfect. But one day she makes a mistake in front of everyone and learns a valuable lesson.

Being perfect is overrated. In fact, it’s way more fun to try new things and enjoy life.

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: Ages 8 & Up

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: Growth mindset for girls

Read 100 stories of extraordinary women, past and present. This New York Times Best Seller gives kids real-world examples of girls that spoke up, showed determination, and weren’t afraid to get out of their comfort zones.

Find Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls HERE >>

The best books on growth mindset: Your Thoughts Matter, Mistakes That Worked, Papa's Mechanical Fish

Your Thoughts Matter: Negative Self-Talk, Growth Mindset: Ages 5-7

Romy has two voices in her head. One expresses self-doubt while the other encourages her to continue learning. Can’t we all relate to this?

Your Thoughts Matter does an excellent job of giving specific examples of what different mindsets look and sound like.

Mistakes That Worked – Ages 8-12

Did you know that some of the greatest discoveries and inventions started out as mistakes? You’ll love these strange stories and the underlying lesson that mistakes can be good.

*For more great books for this level, see great 10 year olds books!

Papa’s Mechanical Fish: Ages 4-8

This is the sweet story of a papa who never seems to invent anything that works well. But with a lot of persistence and work, he finally makes a machine that can take his family on a ride to the bottom of Lake Michigan. (Based on a real inventor)

See Papa’s Mechanical Fish HERE >>

growth mindset books for kids: Train Your Dragon, The Magical Yet, Marvelous Mattie

Train Your Dragon to Do Hard Things: Ages 4-8

Let’s say you have a pet dragon. How cool!

But what if your favorite dragon doesn’t like to do hard things? What if he gives up easily? This imaginative book explores how to train that cute dragon of yours!

The Magical Yet: Ages 4-8

The Magical Yet is an enchanting book that helps turn those inevitable childhood frustrations into a positive. Can’t tie your shoes? Yet. Can’t ride your bike? Yet.

It’s a great beginner model for that “I can’t do that yet” attitude. And check out this fun lesson to do with kids along with the book!

Marvelous Mattie: Ages 7-11

Marvelous Mattie is the true story of a female inventor who invented all sorts of cool things and overcame severe sexism to be considered an incredible inventor of her time.

Related Post: Best Books for 7 Year Olds

*Inspire kids even more with these biographies >>

Learn, Grow Succeed: A Kids Growth Mindset Journal

Learn, Grow, Succeed!

This unique book is actually a growth mindset journal for kids to discover the concepts of learning and exploring first hand. The guided sections have writing prompts to get kids thinking about self-talk, successful beliefs, and overcoming problems.

Beautiful Oops – Ages 3-8

Beautiful oops, growth mindset books for kids

This creative, colorful, and interactive book helps kids realize that it’s ok to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes are perfect opportunities to create something even more beautiful and imaginative.

Check out Beautiful Oops HERE >>

Belinda Baloney Changes Her Mind – Ages 0-12

Belinda Baloney, best growth mindset books for children

Belinda Baloney Changes Her Mind is the story of a girl that can’t decide what she wants to be when she grows up. With the help of her brother, she realizes that she will always be able to learn new things. It’s ok to change her mind!

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain Ages 4-8

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Books on growth mindset for teachers and parents

This fantastic non-fiction book directly explains the growth mindset to your child. With plenty of useful examples and diagrams, it teaches that your brain can grow and expand! And mistakes actually help it to grow faster!

best books on growth mindest: What to do With a Problem, What to Do With an Idea, Thanks for the Feedback

What Do You Do With a Problem?: Ages 5-8

This best-selling book encourages kids to view problems as opportunities to learn something new. It’s a great story for anyone who has ever wished their problem would simply go away. And a beautiful story of facing your fears.

What Do You Do With an Idea?: Ages 5-8

From the same author that gave us the book above, this award-winning book explores the story of a child bringing a lovely idea to the world, and how as he opens up to the idea, it grows with him – and into something magical.

*If you love the other bestsellers of the series, don’t miss What Do You Do With a Chance?

Thanks for the Feedback: Ages 5-12

This is the fun story of RJ as he goes through his day. It explores how to react to feedback, both in compliments and in what we need to work on. Plus, there are great tips for parents at the end of this valuable read.

picture books on the growth mindset: Unstoppable Me, Flight School, A World Without Failures

Unstoppable Me! 10 Ways to Soar Through Life

Unstoppable Me! shares 10 important lessons for kids to cultivate their “no-limit” thinking. Concepts include the value of taking risks, dealing with stress, and enjoying the moment.

Dr. Dyer includes specific examples to help kids apply them to real life.

Flight School: Ages 4-8

Flight School is about a little penguin who is determined to fly, no matter what. Can he make it happen through his unbeatable determination?

A World Without Failures: Growth Mindset: Ages 5-7

After David gets tired of all of his mistakes, he wishes for a world without them. But, what he finds is that a world without failures is not what he thought.

This is a unique book that helps kids look at their mistakes in a different way.

Check out A World Without Failures HERE >>

Iggy Peck Architect: Ages 5 & Up

Iggy Peck Architect

Iggy Peck has a great talent to build, but his teacher doesn’t appreciate his creativity during class. Until, one day, he solves a field trip problem in a truly innovative way. Iggy Peck Architect is a sweet book for any builders and dreamers.

Rosie Revere Engineer: Ages 5 & Up

Rosie Revere Engineer: Books on growth mindset for teachers and parents

Rosie is a great inventor, but she won’t let anyone see her creative inventions. She tucks them under her bed at night. One day, she gets a lesson that failure is nothing to fear, in fact it should be celebrated!

*These make for great short bedtime stories too!

Ada Twist Scientist: Ages 5-7

Ada Twist, Scientist

Ada is a wonderfully curious girl, but her science experiments don’t always go as planned. Follow Ada as she learns how to think through problems and always stay curious.

See Ada Twist, Scientist HERE >>

Best books on growth mindset: No excuses, A little spot of optimism, I can't Reach It

No Excuses!: Ages 3-7

This is another Dr. Dyer book that explains how harmful our excuses can be. No Excuses! follows a boy who almost lets his excuses get in the way of his big dream. Luckily, he discovers that anything is possible once he puts them away.

A Little Spot of Optimism

A Little Spot of Optimism is a creative story about how a little spot can help you think positive thoughts, even when bad things happen.

I Can’t Reach It

This is the story of a young giraffe facing many challenges. But with the encouragement of her mom, she realizes that she can do anything as long as she believes in herself.

Wondering which books are our favorite?

Here are the books we’ve read and love most in our family. Then keep reading for more books!

Growth mindset books for kids: How to Catch a Star, Emmanuel's Dream, What Should Danny Do?

How to Catch a Star

Follow this boy as he dreams of catching his very own star. He tries everything and almost gives up, until he finds that sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be.

Emmanuel’s Dream

Read the true story of a boy in West Africa with one deformed leg. His mother taught him to reach for a dream, and with his undeniable determination, he cycled 400 miles across Ghana. Still today, he spreads the impactful message that disability does not define you.

Check out Emmanuel’s Dream HERE >>

What Should Danny Do?: Ages 3 and Up

A fun and interactive book that shares the message to kids that their daily choices create their lives. Children will love the main character, Danny, a super hero in training as THEY decide how his day will go.

Ninja Life Hacks Box Set

Growth mindset books for kids

Enjoy this entire growth mindset box set created to teach kids important life skills: from getting “gritty,” to dealing with anxiety, and being perfect. These books will give children a variety of insights through fun comic character ninja kids.

Related: See affirmations for kids for cool growth mindset sayings, and the best books on kindness and compassion to highlight another essential life skill.

Growth Mindset Books for Teens

Strong is the New Pretty

Growth mindset books for teens: Strong is the new Pretty

Strong is the New Pretty celebrates real beauty and girls being themselves – in all different forms. This book shares a powerful message with every girl.

Fish in a Tree: Ages 10-14

growth mindset books for middle schoolers

Fish in a tree is about a girl that makes trouble in school to cover her dyslexia because she’s too afraid to ask for help. But after her last school move, a teacher sees the potential she’s hiding. As her confidence grows, Ally discovers that there’s much more to the world than labels.

The Grit Guide for Teens

growth mindset workbooks/journal for teens

This workbook is specifically designed by a clinical child and school psychologist to help teenagers build perseverance, self-control, and resilience. In a nutshell: an unbeatable growth mindset!

Growth Mindset Books for Adults

These books about growth mindset are amazing tools for parents, teachers, and anyone looking to enhance their performance.


Growth mindset books for adults

Stanford University phycologist shares her decade-long research on mindset. What she’s found is that success in almost every area is dependent on how one views their talents and abilities. Mindset shares how anyone can develop a growth mindset, and use it to accomplish extraordinary things.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Grit: Growth mindset books for adults, teachers, and parents

Grit is a best-seller that explains how outstanding achievement is really accomplished through a combination of passion and perseverance, called “grit.” This powerful book reinforces the idea that how smart you are doesn’t matter as much as your determination and tenacity (which can be learned!)

*This book is also featured in the 35 Top Uplifting Books for Women!


Limitless: The best books on growth mindset

Limitless was written by the world’s #1 brain coach and comes equipped with tools to change your mindset, motivation, and methods. Based off of science and experience, this read will unlock self-learning and progress.

Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits: best books on growth mindset

This is a groundbreaking book on the power of habits and the power they have over our lives. Find practical tips to use your habits to improve your life in profound ways. Master your tiny habits through learning, and you’ll be stunned with the results.

*This is one of my top 5 favorite books EVER. Check out the others HERE >>

Related Post: The Best List of Life-Changing Habits

growth mindset for parents, teachers, and adults: How to Lead the Workforce, How Children Succeed, Mindset for Parents

Leading the Workforce of the Future

This book is an excellent one for working environments and explains how to inspire a growth mindset. It’s also an excellent read if you’re looking to motivate innovation in yourself and your colleagues.

How Children Succeed

“Drop the flashcards—grit, character, and curiosity matter even more than cognitive skills. A persuasive wake-up call.”—People

How Children Succeed is a persuasive read in the power of character over test scores, and how to give kids a childhood that enables them to succeed as they become an adult.

Mindsets for Parents

Mindset for Parents is an encouraging read for any parent looking to develop the growth mindset in their kids. It has practical advice and tips for setting up a home environment that builds on the values of hard work, perseverance, and grit.

The art of possibility, Year of Yes, The Yes Brain

The Art of Possibility

Adding a sense of possibility into your life is the cornerstone of the growth mindset. The Art of Possibility teaches twelve practices that unlock our passion and creativity, while living with a sense of possibility in all that we do.

Year of Yes

Year of Yes is about a woman’s challenge to say yes to everything that scared her for one year. A beautiful story that highlights what it means to explore and expand, even when it’s hard to do so.

The Yes Brain

The Yes Brain is another useful book for parents that want to teach curiosity and imagination to their kids. This book explores advice and practical activities that children can do to develop that “yes brain” of possibility.

Grit for Kids

Grit for Kids is an excellent book on grit if you’re looking for specific steps, resources, questions, and activities to develop resiliency and self-confidence in kids. (Perfect for parents or teachers!)

To Consider With Books on the Growth Mindset

Books are one powerful way to begin developing your unbeatable mindset. If you’re looking for more resources for kids, check out these activities to teach growth mindset too!

Have you read any excellent growth mindset books for kids or adults? Let me know, and I’ll add them to the list!

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