11 Healthy Summer Tips You Need To Know

It’s summer! Rules and routines are thrown out the window. Family chaos reigns. Oh wait, maybe that’s just my house?

And uh, what were those health goals again?

But never fear! Today we’ve got 11 healthy summer tips to keep us on track (or put us firmly on the track!)

Healthy summer tips

If you’re reading this, you’re interested in taking care of your body! Kudos to you, it’s not always easy! That makes us kindred spirits. We may not be perfect, but we’re trying!

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11 healthy summer tips you need to know. Habits and routines for a healthy lifestyle this summer. Ideas to treat your body well. #snacks #healthysummer #summer #health

So, enjoy the new adventures and laid back moments, but don’t forget to also take your health seriously during these summer months. Let’s dig in!

11 Refreshing Tips For A Healthy Summer

1. Eat Produce That’s in Season

The best part of summer is the variety of fresh produce to choose from. Use that! Hit the farmer’s market or just choose from local produce at the grocery store that peaks at this time of year. It is freshest and most nutritious at this time!

healthy summer tips

Here are some foods to be looking for:

  • watermelon
  • tomatoes
  • corn
  • green beans
  • zucchini
  • squash
  • melons (cantaloupe, honeydew)
  • grapes
  • cucumbers
  • peaches, nectarines
  • berries

Buy extra and freeze for smoothies and soups later in the year. Then you’ll be able to enjoy that peak produce for months to come!

Additionally, food tends to be less expensive when there’s an abundance, so you’ll be saving money too!

2. Get Outside

Thankfully, it’s the sunniest time of the year! So, take advantage of mostly clear skies and load up on that vitamin D and fresh air. Aim to get outside for 10 minutes every day. (Any more than that and you need sunscreen)

When it gets steamy, just get out in the mornings or evenings to avoid the heat and beating sun. Loading up now will help you get through the winter months later on.

3. Relax This Summer

This is supposed to be a more laid back time of the year, so make sure you’re getting in time off. Whether that’s a vacation or a staycation, take advantage of some personal time. SCHEDULE IT IN!

Also, don’t forget to get your self-care in! For me, it’s even more important in the summer because all of the kids are home! My summer checklist includes:

  • vitamins
  • make bed
  • journaling, goals
  • smoothie, salad
  • exercise
  • music
  • reading, podcast, or uplifting video
  • gift, appreciation, or thank you
  • declutter/pick up 15 minutes (our house is a mess in the summer…)

What’s on your checklist? Check out this post for how to implement your checklist and free printables!

4. Hydrate

It’s hot out there, so make sure you’re getting in the H2o your body needs this time of year. It’s likely to be more than in other seasons!

The standard advice is half of your body weight in ounces, so make sure it’s at least that. I like measuring my water out to make sure I’m drinking enough.

I use this big water bottle when I need to increase my intake. It has a guided timeline that makes it easy to stay on track!

Also, try:

  • infused water (add fruit)
  • cold tea
  • or even DIY cold coffee.

Mix it up if you have to, but keep drinking!

Check out this video for more healthy drink ideas:

5. Clean Up the Snacks

healthy summer tips

The routine is wacky (or nonexistent) in the summer, and nutritious snacking can be harder. To make those snacks healthy and easy, I’ve made one drawer in the fridge and pantry for snacks. It’s got cheese, veggies, and fruits so I know we can easily grab something healthy.

Plus it’s visible and my kids can do it on their own. 

My kids drive me nuts about snacks! They ask for one every 5 minutes, so we have pre-determined times so that they know when snack time is each day.

Related Post: 50 Healthy Kids Snacks Great for Summer

6. Declutter for a Clearer Mind

Speaking for myself, I get overwhelmed with a lot of stuff around. So, on a steamy summer day, stay inside and go through your belongings.

Aim for a number, whether it’s 10, 50, or 100 items! Take some boxes to Goodwill or set them aside for a future garage sale.

Now is a great time to take stock of what you have and purge. You’ll THANK yourself when the school rush starts again!

Related Post: How to Simplify Your Life

7. Plan for Outings

One of the great things about summer is family get-togethers, vacations, and cookouts.

If you know you’re going to an unhealthy event, have some veggies and hummus beforehand or something that will fill you up. You’ll be less tempted to eat loads of junk while you’re there!

And consequently, feel a lot better when you’re done.

healthy summer tips, drink smoothies

8. Try Health Boosting Smoothies

Smoothies are great for this time of year for several reasons. For one, berries and other whole foods are in season. Plus, they are easy, nutritious, and COLD.

I’ve been doing a variation of this smoothie in the morning for months, and LOVE how it makes me feel!

What types of smoothies do you love?

9. Exercise With the Season

Summer can be a harder time to workout. For me, excuses run rampant. Kids are home, there’s a lot less routine, and it gets stinking hot!

But, that just means we need to get creative. So, switch things up! Workout in the mornings and evenings, or try something new like a class.

Additionally, make these months more of a time for family fitness with trail walks and bike rides together. Or, get a swim in together at the pool.

Related Post: How to Gain Energy & Seize the Day

healthy summer tips, wear sunscreen

10. Protect Yourself

We all know this, but it’s a great reminder. Get outside, but be sure to protect that beautiful body of yours. You want it to last!

Wear sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses anytime you’re outside for very long. Also, it’s ok to find shade.

We use this sunscreen for our entire family ages 1-35. I love that it uses safe ingredients and has a high SPF.

11. Go Light on the Adult Beverages

Finally, cookouts and get-togethers make this time of year a popular one for drinks. Which is fun! But drinking has lots of health side effects, not to mention calories with no real nutritious value.

So, enjoy those beverages in social settings, and then cut back at home. I’ve been trying to only buy for events that we know we’ll have with others.

To Consider for a Healthy Summer

Utilize these healthy summer tips to propel you forward in your health goals. Stay safe and have fun this summer! Maybe we’ll see you out on the trails.

What do you do in summer to stay healthy? Share your tips with us!

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  1. Great tips, I’m working on decluttering my house now~!

    1. Yay! Decluttering is on my agenda too! Thanks for sharing!

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