120 September Trivia Questions (Do You Know These Fun Facts?) 2025
Explore September trivia with us as we dive into the holidays, historical events, and fun facts that make this month special.
Whether you’re aiming to test your knowledge or discover something new, we’ve gathered fascinating tidbits about September just for you. Get ready to uncover the unique and interesting aspects of this vibrant month!
Fun Fact: September is associated with Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.
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September Symbols (Picture Quiz Round)
Can you name these iconic September symbols in this trivia picture round?
“It was September, and there was a crackly feeling to the air.”
Carolyn Parkhurst
Easy September Fun Facts Trivia For Kids
9. What month does September come after?
Answer: August (Related: August Trivia Questions and Answers)
10. What month does September come before?
Answer: October (Related: October Trivia Questions and Answers)
11. What month is September in the calendar?
Answer: The 9th month of the year.
12. What meteorological season is the month of September in the Northern Hemisphere?
Answer: Fall (See more Fall Trivia)
13. What meteorological season is the month of September in the Southern Hemisphere?
Answer: Spring (See more Spring Trivia)
14. How many days does the month of September have?
Answer: 30 days
15. If you are born August 23rd-September 22nd, you are considered what zodiac sign?
Answer: Virgo
16. If you are born September 23rd-October 23rd, you are considered what zodiac sign?
Answer: Libra
17. True or False: September comes from the Latin word “seven” as it was originally the seventh of ten months in the ancient Roman calendar.
Answer: True
18. How many days did the month of September have in the ancient Roman calendar?
Answer: 29 days
19. True or False: People born a Virgo tend to be social and romantic.
Answer: False: They are said to be humble, practical, and focused on details.
20. True or False: People born a Libra strive to create balance, harmony, and justice.
Answer: True.
21. What is the full moon in September called?
Answer: Harvest Moon
22. True or False: There are no major federal holidays celebrated during September.
Answer: False
23. What federal holiday is celebrated during September?
Answer: Labor Day
24. What occurs around September 22-24 marking the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere?
Answer: The Autumnal Equinox
25. What is unique about the day the Autumnal Equinox falls on?
Answer: On that day, the hours in the day are almost equal to the hours in the night.
26. What occurs around September 22-24 marking the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere?
Answer: The Vernal Equinox
27. What is unique about the name September, that no other months have?
Answer: It has 9 letters which is the most letters.
28. True or False: No other months besides September have the same amount of letters as their number in the calendar year.
Answer: True
29. In the Atlantic Ocean, September is the peak of what season?
Answer: Hurricane
30. What crunchy fruit usually reaches maturity to harvest in September?
Answer: Apples
31. What starts to happen to deciduous trees toward the end of September? It signals the approach of colder weather.
Answer: Leaves begin to change color.
32. As the month progresses, the amount of what decreases?
Answer: Daylight
33. In the U.S., what holiday is observed on the first Monday in September to honor the labor movement and workers?
Answer: Labor Day
34. What type of insect produces honey, celebrated during National Honey Month in September in the U.S.?
Answer: Bees
35. What special day is celebrated the Sunday after Labor Day?
Answer: National Grandparents Day
Best September Picture Trivia Round
Name the September national days pictured in this trivia round (Bonus points if you know the date).
Fun Fact: Mark your calendar! National Lazy Mom’s Day is celebrated on the first Friday in September!
Labor Day Trivia
64. In which city did the idea to celebrate Labor Day originate in 1882, when local unions decided to organize a parade to honor their members?
Answer: New York City
65. What state was the first to declare Labor Day an official holiday in 1887?
Answer: Oregon
66. What President signed an act in 1894 establishing the Labor Day federal holiday?
Answer: President Grover Cleveland
67. On which day of the week is Labor Day celebrated?
Answer: Monday
68. What is the main purpose of Labor Day?
Answer: To honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the country.
69. What does Labor Day weekend mark the unofficial end of?
Answer: Summer
70. What food will Americans consume 7 billion of between Memorial Day and Labor Day?
Answer: Hot dogs
71. What is a common activity that marks the celebration of Labor Day in many communities?
Answer: Parades, barbecues, and fireworks
72. Besides the United States, name one other country that celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday of September.
Answer: Canada
73. What is the biggest union today?
Answer: The National Education Association has about 3 million members, including inactive and lifetime members.
74. How many people are union members today?
Answer: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 14.4 million union members in the workforce in 2023. There were 17.7 million in 1983. (source)
75. Where did the expression “no white after Labor Day” come from?
Answer: The idea of not wearing white after Labor Day originated in the 19th century as a way for the upper class to distinguish themselves from the working class. It was a status symbol and a subtle way to show one didn’t do manual labor.
September Days To Remember: Holidays and Celebrations
76. What date is Patriot Day observed each year in the United States?
Answer: September 11
77. Patriot Day commemorates the events of which year?
Answer: 2001
78. Which U.S. President signed the resolution designating September 11 as Patriot Day?
Answer: George W. Bush
79. What time is it customary to observe a moment of silence on Patriot Day to honor the victims of the attacks?
Answer: 8:46 AM (Eastern Time), the time when the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center
80. What are two common ways Americans honor Patriot Day?
Answer: Lowering the American flag to half-staff and participating in memorial services or moments of silence.
81. On what date is Constitution Day observed each year in the United States?
Answer: September 17
82. In which year was the U.S. Constitution signed?
Answer: 1787
83. Which city hosted the Constitutional Convention where the U.S. Constitution was drafted?
Answer: Philadelphia
84. How many delegates signed the U.S. Constitution?
Answer: 39 delegates
85. Which U.S. President signed the law that designated September 17 as Constitution Day?
Answer: Dwight D. Eisenhower
86. What is the focus of National Hispanic Heritage Month, starting on September 15?
Answer: Celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America
87. What celebration marks the end of the harvest season in China and other East Asian countries?
Answer: Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival)
88. What is the purpose of the International Day of Peace, observed on September 21?
Answer: To promote peace among nations and peoples
89. Which Jewish holiday, often occurring in September, marks the Jewish New Year?
Answer: Rosh Hashanah
Fun September Pop Culture Trivia
These pop culture events all took place in September.
90. What Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Ernest Hemingway, was first published in September 1952?
Answer: The Old Man and The Sea
91. In 1960, Cassius Clay won the gold medal in the light heavyweight boxing competition at the Rome Olympics. By what name is Cassius Clay better known?
Answer: Muhammad Ali
92. In 1947, who was named Rookie of the Year?
Answer: Jackie Robinson
93. In 1937, what J.R.R. Tolkien book was published?
Answer: The Hobbit (Related: Book Trivia)
94. In 1969, The Brady Brunch debuted on ABC. How many kids were in the family? (Bonus if you can name them all)
Answer: Six: Greg, Peter, Bobby, Marcia, Jan, and Cindy
95. In 1970 what innovative guitar player died at age 27 in London?
Answer: Jimi Hendrix (See more music trivia)
96. In 1984, Bette Midler co-hosted the first MTV Video Music Awards with which other host?
Answer: Dan Aykroyd
97. In 1989 who became news anchor of The Today Show? (Ratings slowly declined and by June of 1990, she was replaced by Katie Couric.)
Answer: Deborah Norville
98. Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia premiered on NBC in 1985. What were these characters known as?
Answer: The Golden Girls
99. In 1970, the first game of NFL Monday Night Football was played between the Cleveland Browns and what other team?
Answer: New York Jets (See more NFL football trivia)
100. In 1989, ABC debuted what new programming block for Friday Nights with four shows (Full House, Family Matters, Perfect Strangers, and Just the Ten of Us)?
Answer: TGIF (Thank Goodness It’s Friday)
101. In 1990, what NBC sitcom featuring Will Smith made its debut?
Answer: The Fesh Prince of Bel-Air
102. In 1992, who came out of retirement to play for the Los Angeles Lakers after retiring less than a year earlier? (He retired again in 1996.)
Answer: Magic Johnson
103. Set in Chicago, what medical drama debuted on NBC in 1994?
Answer: ER
104. In 1994, what beloved New York City set sitcom premiered on NBC?
Answer: Friends
105. What famous trial began in September of 1996?
Answer: The O.J. Simpson civil trial
106. In 1998, what did Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin found?
Answer: Google
107. In 1999, Sega released the first 128-bit video game console. What was it called?
Answer: The Dreamcast (Related: Video Game Trivia)
Interesting September History Facts Trivia
These historical events all happened in the month of September.
Fun Fact: On September 2, 1752, Great Britain adopted the Gregorian calendar, making the next day September 14, 1752. There was no September 3-13 in the British Empire, including the American colonies. People rioted, believing that the government had stolen 11 days of their lives.
108. What famous Michelangelo sculpture was unveiled in Florence in 1504?
Answer: David
109. On September 3, 1783, what treaty officially ended the Revolutionary War?
Answer: The Treaty of Paris
110. In September of 1620, the Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth, England to settle in North America on what boat?
Answer: The Mayflower
111. On September 14, 1814, who wrote The Star Spangled Banner which later became the United State’s national anthem?
Answer: Francis Scott Key
112. In 1901 Vice President of the US, Theodore Roosevelt, used what famous phrase at the Minnesota State Fair?
Answer: “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
113. World War II began in September 1939 when Germany invaded what country?
Answer: Poland
114. In 1940 Congress passed what Act, providing for the first peacetime draft in United States’ history? (Unofficially, they were prepping for joining WW II.)
Answer: Selective Training and Service Act
115. In 1957, United States Troops were called to escort nine Black students to the all-white high school in what city?
Answer: Little Rock, Arkansas
116. In 1982, the first of seven cyanide-laced Tylenol victims died. What did this event lead to?
Answer: This event is what made manufacturers begin using tamper-proof packaging.
117. In 1981, who was sworn in as the first woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court?
Answer: Sandra Day O’Connor
118. The remains of what ship were discovered in the North Atlantic in 1985?
Answer: the Titanic
119. In 1997, who died in Calcutta, India, at age 87?
Answer: Mother Teresa
120. On September 11, 2001, terrorists crashed two planes into what buildings in New York City?
Answer: The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center
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