5 Best Personal Development Books to Inspire Unbelievable Growth

“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”

J.K. Rowling

We are at our BEST when reading personal development books that motivate us. There’s just something about fresh ideas and new possibilities. We read them and know that we can create a better tomorrow.

Personal development books for growth

And, the greatest books are those that answer the question “how will I grow today?”

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for me to pick just five, as many can do that! But I wanted to share the books that have inspired unbelievable growth in me.

The MOST beneficial books.

These are my favorites, and they all speak to slightly different aspects of life. If I am looking for unparalleled inspiration or a kick in the butt, this is where I go!


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personal development books for growth

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1. Atomic Habits

personal development

This is the best habit forming book I’ve ever read, and I’ve read a few. My absolute favorite thing about Atomic Habits is that I felt I could immediately implement his ideas.

First, James Clear breaks habit creation into four essential rules. To create and maintain a good habit it must be easy, satisfying, attractive, and obvious. Additionally, he gives tons of different examples of how to apply them in different ways. Here are just a few ideas for using the rules…

Want to start a morning routine?

  • Make it easy by starting with just 2 minutes. It’s about showing up!
  • Make it satisfying by doing something that makes you feel amazing and marking every single day off of a calendar.
  • Make it attractive by buying a new journal or morning app after 5 days in a row.
  • And finally, make it obvious. Put your clothes out the night before, leave your journal on your nightstand and make sure you will see what you need when you wake up.

Implement these 4 rules, and creating a new habit will be ten times easier.


*See more: growth books for kid and adults >>

2. The Alchemist

personal development

I stalled on reading this book for the longest time. Truthfully, the fact that the book comes in the form of a story threw me off. I mean how could it be one of the personal development books that inspire if it just tells a fictional story?

Oh boy, was I wrong.

The Alchemist is actually a brilliant piece of writing about crucial life lessons and, in particular, the power of following your dreams. It follows the adventure of a man that gave up his way of life to find his treasure, and it highlights everything he learned along the way.

It goes deep into our perceptions and what we want out of life.

I think this is the book I will re-read the most in my lifetime! And it’s the one I have seen most recommended by others.

Finally, it’s a very quick read, but it will leave you thinking about life for a long time after.


Related Post:

3. Girl, Stop Apologizing

personal development

Honestly, I was a little disappointed in Rachel Hollis’ first book Girl, Wash Your Face. It was inspiring for sure, but I didn’t feel I could take away much to use in my day to day life. I dig growth books that give actionable steps.

However, Girl Stop Apologizing has delivered in a way I felt the first book didn’t! I was able to take away bits that I could immediately use for the better.

She covers abstract ideas again but also includes specifically how she takes care of her health, works towards her goals, and sets up her morning routine.

Find more:

Now, I don’t always have the same perspective as her.  But, I LOVE that she pushes women to achieve their personal goals in an industry that is COMPLETELY dominated by men.


*See more amazing books for women >>

4. 10% Happier

I love meditation, but I’ve tried and hated many meditation-related books. (Except these mediation books )

Until this one.

Like The Alchemist, this is a storytelling adventure from Dan Harris, a man who started as a meditation skeptic. Yet, unlike the book above, this one is true. It reminded me of my journey to meditation. Plus, I liked the tips and tricks he gave that worked for him as a crazy high-performing news reporter.

If you are a slight skeptic too, or you’ve been thinking about trying meditation, I highly recommend picking up this book! (and reading this beginner’s meditation guide)

As he found in the book, meditation adds at least 10% in life happiness.


5. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets To Success One Relationship At A Time

personal development

This may technically be a business book, but I have to include it.

Not only did I love it, but it’s the one book that my husband also read and became obsessed with. That’s a rarity because at the time I couldn’t get him to read many books. So, we are crazy about this one together!

And we feel it’s more of a “how to succeed in life” book anyways.

I mean, think about it. How did most, if not all, of the people you admire get where they are?


Skills are great, and we should always be working on them. BUT, if you make little effort to build relationships, you won’t go far.

The most successful people know this.

Never Eat Alone is an excellent guide on becoming a better networker and friend. Therefore, we both give this one two thumbs way up.


*Color a free coloring bookmark printable to use and motivate you to keep reading!

Something To Think About

So today, choose from personal development books that will inspire and motivate you to live a healthy, happy, and impactful life.

Don’t have time to read? That’s ok! My husband prefers to listen to his books in the car on Audible!

Finally, what books have inspired growth in you? And, what’s on your reading list now?

Grab these inspiring books for your kids too!

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  1. Thanks for sharing! I am always looking for new personal growth books and loved reading what you liked and disliked about them, helps narrow the choice !!

    1. Thank you for the comment Katlyn!

  2. Vicky Herman says:

    Looking forward to reading some of these this summer!

    1. I own most of them if you want to borrow!

  3. Oh, Never Eat Alone is one of my favorites. I reread it about once a year, every time I realize I need to improve my networking skills. Thanks for sharing these great suggestions. I can’t wait to put a couple on my summer reading list.

    1. Yes! I reread it for that reason as well! Enjoy the other books, and thanks so much for sharing!

  4. The Alchemist is one of my favourite books. A friend bought it for me at a time when my life felt like it was falling apart. It gave me the strength to keep going and build a life I love.

    1. This is wonderful! I was just talking to my mom yesterday about how truly profound this book is! It makes you think so deeply about everything that life is. Thank you so much for sharing about how life changing it was for you!

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