Thanksgiving 5 Second Rule Game: Quick Thinking Fun For All Ages

This Thanksgiving-themed 5 Second Rule Game is a lively family game with quick thinking. Players must name three things in a category within 5 seconds.

Who can play? All ages! It’s perfect for your Thanksgiving holiday gathering!

Beware: Players may get tongue-tied, blurt out funny answers, and laugh a lot!

Thanksgiving 5 second rule game questions for kid and adults

*Find out how to grab the printable Thanksgiving 5 Second Rule Game Cards below to make group play even easier and more fun!

5 Second Rule Game


Score points by naming three things in a category within 5 seconds.

Supplies Needed

  • 5 Second Rule Game Questions
  • A timer that makes a sound (use your phone!)
  • Scorecard & Pen
5 second games rules; thanksgiving edition

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Thanksgiving 5 Second Game Rules

1. Determine a player to go first in the Hot Seat.

2. The player to the left of the Hot Seat player reads a question aloud. All questions begin “Name 3….” followed by the category.

3. As soon as the question is read, start the 5-second timer. The player in the Hot Seat has 5 seconds to give 3 answers. If the player succeeds, they get one point.

4. If the player cannot name all 3 answers before the 5 seconds is up, no points are given and play moves to the next player on the right. That player now gets 5 seconds to answer the same question. However, they cannot use any answers previously given for that question.

5. Play continues until someone can name 3 answers in 5 seconds for that question and wins a point.

6. If play gets back to the original player without anyone getting the point, the original player gets one point.

7. Play continues around the circle with a different question. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

*If you are unsure if an answer is acceptable, the entire group may decide. See the end of the article for more gameplay variations we like to use!

Easy Thanksgiving 5 Second Rule Game Questions

5 second rule game instructions for kids and adults at Thanksgiving

1. Name 3 Thanksgiving foods

2. Name 3 things you are thankful for

3. Name 3 types of pie

4. Name 3 vegetables you eat at Thanksgiving

5. Name 3 people you see at Thanksgiving dinner

6. Name 3 things you do on Thanksgiving day

7. Name 3 things you put gravy on

8. Name 3 Thanksgiving foods you love

9. Name 3 Thanksgiving foods you don’t like

10. Name 3 Thanksgiving side dishes

11. Name 3 things you may smell while they are baking on Thanksgiving

12. Name 3 places you might travel for Thanksgiving

13. Name 3 things you don’t want to find in your turkey

14. Name 3 things you do after you eat on Thanksgiving

15. Name 3 soft Thanksgiving foods

16. Name 3 foods kids like to eat most on Thanksgiving

17. Name 3 places to buy groceries for Thanksgiving

18. Name 3 things that make Thanksgiving special

19. Name 3 words that rhyme with pie

20. Name 3 Thanksgiving words that start with a ‘p’

Grab this What’s Your Turkey Name? FREE Printable!

21. Name 3 things that are not food that you would find on the Thanksgiving table

22. Name 3 Thanksgiving foods you always want seconds of

23. Name 3 ways to help prepare for Thanksgiving

24. Name 3 ways to help clean up after Thanksgiving

25. Name 3 kitchen appliances you use on Thanksgiving

26. Name 3 Thanksgiving traditions

27. Name 3 games you could play on Thanksgiving

Name 3 funny names for a turkey

28. Name 3 funny names for a turkey

29. Name 3 Thanksgiving desserts

30. Name 3 things you find at a Thanksgiving parade

31. Name 3 animals smaller than a turkey

32. Name 3 things you might watch on TV on Thanksgiving Day

33. Name 3 people you are grateful for

34. Name 3 extended family members you want to sit by on Thanksgiving

35. Name 3 things to wear on Thanksgiving

36. Name 3 silly things you are grateful for

37. Name 3 things you may do outdoors on Thanksgiving Day

38. Name 3 fall colors

39. Name 3 fall activities people love to do

40. Name 3 fall holidays

41. Name 3 things that fall from a tree

42. Name 3 animals preparing for winter in the fall

43. Name 3 fall vegetables

44. Name 3 Thanksgiving dishes you eat with a fork

45. Name 3 things you are thankful for at school or work

46. Name 3 ways your turkey could escape being eaten on Thanksgiving

47. Name 3 Thanksgiving related words that start with a ‘t’

48. Name 3 Thanksgiving words that end with a ‘y’

49. Name 3 things a pilgrim might wear

50. Name 3 things they may have eaten at the first Thanksgiving

(Related: Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz Questions)

51. Name 3 marching band instruments you see in a Thanksgiving parade

52. Name 3 things you wear when you go outside in the fall

53. Name 3 things you don’t want to smell on Thanksgiving

54. Name 3 things you don’t want on your Thanksgiving plate

Try out this Hilarious Printable Thanksgiving Mad Libs too!

Challenging Thanksgiving 5 Second Rule Game Questions

man and woman thinking about food

55. Name 3 parts of a turkey

56. Name 3 dinner topics to avoid

57. Name 3 ingredients of pumpkin pie

58. Name 3 ingredients in stuffing

59. Name 3 football teams that may play on Thanksgiving

60. Name 3 things you find in a cornucopia

61. Name 3 things to make with leftover turkey

62. Name 3 TV shows with a Thanksgiving episode

63. Name 3 ways to serve potatoes

64. Name 3 historical facts about Thanksgiving

65. Name 3 places to shop on Black Friday

66. Name 3 foods that take a long time to cook on Thanksgiving

67. Name 3 ways to cook a turkey

68. Name three things people buy on Black Friday

69. Name 3 states that grow corn

70. Name 3 things you should always do on Thanskgiving

71. Name 3 things you should never do on Thanksgiving

72. Name 3 things you eat with a spoon on Thanksgiving

73. Name 3 spices you use in Thanksgiving cooking

74. Name 3 things you can do with pumpkins

75. Name 3 things you do on Thanksgiving morning

76. Name 3 dishes you eat with cranberry sauce

name 3 ways to say thank you

77. Name 3 ways to say “thank you”

78. Name 3 festive fall drinks

79. Name 3 things people talk about during Thanksgiving

80. Name 3 balloons you see in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

81. Name 3 fruits you may see incorporated into the Thanksgving meal

82. Name 3 ways you can help others on Thanksgiving

83. Name 3 things found in a Thanksgiving table centerpiece

84. Name 3 games you might play that require a deck of cards

85. Name 3 Thanksgiving dishes you don’t know how to cook

86. Name 3 ways you prepare to eat a large meal

87. Name 3 ingredients in stuffing

88. Name 3 things you say when you’re full

89. Name 3 Thanksgiving foods that are served cold

90. Name 3 plants harvested in the fall

91. Name 3 types of apples

92. Name 3 Thanksgiving movies

93. Name 3 likely things to get burnt on Thanksgiving

94. Name 3 reasons to host Thanksgiving

95. Name 3 things that could go wrong on Thanksgiving Day

96. Name 3 reasons someone might not like Thanksgiving

97. Name 3 types of pie that aren’t served on Thanksgiving

98. Name 3 signs someone has eaten too much

99. Name 3 alternative proteins to serve instead of turkey

100. Name 3 things that might make you late for Thanksgiving dinner

Digital Shop Game Cards

Love this game? Don’t miss the game cards in the digital shop. They make it easy for everyone to join in on the Thanksgiving game fun!

5 second rule game cards; Thanksgiving edition printable

More Fun Thanksgiving Games

Thanksgiving 5 second rule game questions; easy; hard; funny

5 Second Rule Game Variations

The 5 Second Rule Game can be changed to add complexity or make simpler. Rules can cater to the group.

  • Team Play: Instead of individual play, this game can be played in two-person teams
  • Add Items: Players have to name 4 or 5 things instead of 3.
  • Give Passes: Let a player opt to pass one time per game. That question can be thrown out and a new question is asked.
  • Adjust Speed: Decrease the time limit to 3 seconds for a faster-paced game OR increase the time to 10 seconds to help young kids.
  • Allow Repeats: In our family, we allow our kids to repeat answers the previous player gave when a question is passed to them. It keeps the game fun and less stressful!

What’s Next?

Also, grab these additional fun 5 Second Game cards to keep the fun going!

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