3 Free Nature Scavenger Hunt Printables for Kids to Explore in 2025

Free nature scavenger hunt printables for kids will get you outside! Turn everyday kids into incredible explorers!

featured image; nature scavenger walk hunt free printable for toddlers, kids, teenagers

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What are some good outdoor nature scavenger hunts?

Scavenger hunts are a fun, easy, and totally FREE activity you can do with your kids.

And you can get scavenger hunts here for all ages. You’ll find:

  • A picture nature scavenger hunt for toddlers and preschoolers
  • A nature scavenger hunt for elementary-age kids
  • A selfie nature scavenger hunt for teenagers

Keep reading below for more great ideas to make the most of your nature scavenger hunt.

title pin; nature scavenger hunt for kids list and pdf; fun; easy; simple

Instructions for Your Kids Nature Scavenger Hunt

1. Print out your free nature scavenger hunt by signing up below. Choose the one that’s right for your kids.

2. Be clear on the rules, especially if you have older kids.

  • Discuss where they can find items outdoors and set boundaries for how far kids can search.
  • Decide on a time limit.
  • Remind kids to respect others’ property and nature.
  • Set clear expectations with their picture-taking device.
nature collection; nature walk scavenger hunt printable free pdf; kindergarten

3. To play:

  • Enjoy helping your younger child find each item and mark it off.
  • Divide up your family and race to see who can find all the items first.
  • Older kids can hunt for items in a race against one another.

4. If you think there is an item your child won’t be able to find, give them the option to cross that item off the scavenger hunt list.

5. Complete one of the fun bonus extension activities explained below.

Pro Tip: To do the hunt multiple times, stick it in a page protector and mark it with a dry-erase marker.

Related: FREE Pirate Treasure Hunt With Clues

3 Free Printable Nature Scavenger Hunts

Grab your free printable scavenger hunt by signing up below. I’ll send them straight to you.

Don’t miss the Free Camping Checklist For Kids too!

8 Extension Activities (To Do With The Nature Scavenger Hunt)

1. Create a Collage

collage of leaves, nuts, nature items

If your child gathered leaves, sticks, acorns, feathers, and other nature finds, have them create a collage. Simply make a picture with their nature scavenger hunt collection and glue!

2. Write A 5 Senses Poem

Help your child write and illustrate a non-rhyming poem about their nature scavenger hunt using their senses.

I see _________________

I smell _______________

I taste ________________

I hear _________________

I touch ________________

3. Write a Haiku

haiku poem about nature; scavenger hunt for teenagers

A haiku is a Japanese poem traditionally about nature. Your child can pick to write about anything they saw or experienced on their nature scavenger hunt.

In a haiku, there are three lines.

Line 1 contains 5 syllables.

Line 2 contains 7 syllables.

Line 3 contains 5 syllables.

4. Make a bird feeder

If your child collected a pine cone, make a bird feeder.

  1. Tie a piece of yarn or string around the pine cone.
  2. Cover the pine cone with peanut butter.
  3. Roll the peanut butter-covered pine cone on a plate filled with bird seeds.
  4. Hang in a tree for birds to enjoy!

5. Decorate rocks found on the nature scavenger hunt

thankfulness activities for kids; preschool; group; gratitude crafts

Use paint, chalk, or markers to decorate the rocks that your child collected.

Take these decorated rocks and leave them in nature along a trail or sidewalk where others will find them to enjoy.

6. Collect items in a fun way

Utilize an egg carton or small treasure box for your nature scavenger hunt. Each compartment can hold different items like rocks, dandelions, twigs, and leaves.

Or have your child use a small treasure box to collect their ‘treasures’.

7. Create a digital video, collage, or scrapbook

Older kids can use their scavenger hunt photographs to create a video or collage. Let them be creative!

8. Read Books About Nature or Seasons

Read books about your current season or about the plants and creatures you saw during your scavenger hunt.

Check out 50 Best Picture Books About Spring here! And keep reading for more book ideas below.

Fun Nature Scavenger Hunt Supplies & Books

These items and books will make a scavenger hunt even more fun for your kids.

Outdoor Exploration Kit

Outdoor exploration kit

This kit comes with binoculars, a flashlight, a compass, a whistle, a magnifying glass, and a backpack to make exploring nature even more fun!

Related Post: Great Outdoor Kids Gifts

Bug Bungalow

Bug bungalow

Insect lovers will love being able to watch and inspect their favorite bugs with this bug bungalow!

The Secret Signs of Nature: How To Uncover Hidden Clues in the Sky, Water, Plants, Animals, and Weather by Craig Caudill

three nature books; scavenger hunt teen; park; hiking; fall; spring
Grab one of these great books for exploring nature!

Wilderness trainer Craig Caudill shares tips about the nature around us and where to look to see what the world has to offer.

Exploring Nature Activity Book for Kids: 50 Creative Projects to Spark Curiosity in the Outdoors by Kim Andrews

This book will encourage kids to get outside, explore, and use their imaginations to create.

Nature Journal For Little Explorers

With over 100 pages, your child will have the space they need to journal, draw, and record their nature findings whenever they are out exploring.

Benefits of Outdoor Nature Scavenger Hunt Activities for Kids

Our kids need to spend time outdoors. Playing outside can improve your child’s chance of future health and success. (source) Here’s why:

outdoor nature scavenger hunt for toddlers, kids, and teens; printable image; free printable; preschool

1. Sunshine is good for us!

We need exposure to the sun to make Vitamin D. This helps our immune system, bone development, improves our mood, and helps us sleep better.

2. Playing outside increases exercise.

The CDC states that kids ages 6-17 should be active for at least 60 minutes every day. Younger children should also be active. (source)

Outdoor activities like jumping, running, and climbing are essential for developing children’s motor skills. They also contribute to overall health, making outdoor play crucial for kids’ well-being.

3. Kids practice and learn valuable skills.

When kids have unstructured play time outside, they use their imaginations to entertain themselves. They problem-solve. And they also play with other kids and learn how to share and cooperate with others.

4. They learn to appreciate nature.

Outdoor activities like digging, climbing, and observing nature teach kids about their environment and foster appreciation for seasonal changes. This scavenger hunt is ideal for exploring nature and learning.

What’s Next?

Enjoy time outdoors with your kids with these free printable scavenger nature hunts for all ages!

Next, print out these fun indoor Easter Scavenger Hunt Clues!

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  1. Ninita Brown says:

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