20 Hilarious Halloween Games For Ultimate Family Fun
Get ready to turn your Halloween party or family fun night into a laugh-out-loud extravaganza! From spooky challenges to silly contests, these hilarious Halloween games will have everyone in stitches.
Whether you’re aiming for ghoulish giggles or monstrous mayhem, these will make your celebration unforgettable!
Don’t forget to pick your hilarious Halloween team names before the fun begins!
20 Wildly Entertaining Halloween Games to Play
1. Spooktacular Minute to Win It
Players compete in a series of 60-second challenges using simple items. The tasks are simple but require speed, precision, and creativity.
Eyeball Spoon Race Example: Use small, round objects painted like eyeballs (ping pong balls work well) and have players race to the finish line while balancing the “eyeball” on a spoon. The first to cross the line without dropping their eyeball wins!
2. Who Is Most Likely To That Will Make You “Howl” With Laughter
In this fun and revealing game, players take turns reading out prompts like “Who is most likely to…” followed by a scenario. The group then votes on who they think is most likely to fit the description.
It’s a great way to spark conversations and laughter!
3. Monster Freeze Dance
Play spooky music and have everyone dance like monsters. When the music stops, everyone must freeze in place. Anyone who moves is out until only one monster remains!
You can also turn this into Halloween Limbo! Use a broomstick or a pool noodle as the limbo bar, and everyone has to do their best monster walk, crawl, or slither to get under it. Lower the bar after each round until only one monster remains!
4. Funny Halloween Mad Libs
In this hilarious game, players fill in the blanks with random words to create a funny, spooky story. The randomness of the words chosen leads to silly and often nonsensical Halloween tales that make everyone laugh.
5. Hilarious Halloween Charades Game Ideas
Players act out words or phrases without speaking, while their team tries to guess what they’re portraying. It’s a game that tests imagination and non-verbal communication skills. And it leads to lots of laughs and creative interpretations!
6. Pumpkin Bowling
Set up a “bowling alley” with empty cans or bottles painted like ghosts or monsters. Use a small pumpkin as the bowling ball and see who can knock down the most “pins.”
7. Spooky Fun Halloween Scavenger Hunt
*Versions for kids and teens!
Participants search for Halloween-themed items. The goal is to find as many items on the list as possible within a set time limit. It’s a spooky twist on the traditional hunt, perfect for getting everyone in the Halloween spirit.
8. Best Halloween This or That Questions
Players are given two Halloween-themed options and must choose which one they prefer. It’s a simple, quick game that reveals personal preferences and can lead to fun debates. It’s ideal for adding light-hearted fun to any Halloween gathering.
9. Gross Guessing Game
Place various “creepy” items like peeled grapes (eyeballs), cold spaghetti (brains), and slime (monster goo) in bowls. Blindfold participants or cover your bowls by putting a box over it (cut a hole for someone to stick their hand in). Then, players have to guess what each item is by touching it.
Their reactions are often priceless!
10. Most Exciting Halloween Trivia
This game tests players’ knowledge of all things Halloween, from movie facts to spooky traditions. Questions can range from easy to challenging, making it a fun way to compete and learn new facts.
Related: Halloween & Horror Movie Trivia
11. Make a Halloween-themed Obstacle Course
Throw anything out into the yard you can think of: cobwebs, pumpkins, and durable decorations work well. Then, add to the obstacle course with sidewalk chalk activities.
Witches’ Broomstick Race Variation: Have participants straddle a broomstick and race to the finish line running through the course. You can even add verbal obstacles, like making them cackle to amp up the silliness factor.
12. Movie Fun: Harry Potter This or That
Fans of the wizarding world choose between two Harry Potter-themed options. It’s a fun way for Potterheads to share their preferences and spark discussions about their favorite aspects of the series.
13. Start a Halloween ‘I Spy’ Game
Walk around your neighborhood and only use Halloween related things in your game. Or print this free printable and do an I spy game on paper.
14. Play “Wrap the Mummy”
*Perfect for toddlers and young kids!
Wrap the mummy is easy, and a great game for a Halloween party. Put the kids in small groups, and see which group is the first to wrap one team member in toilet paper (to look like a mummy). You could also use white streamers and set a timer to do it in a set time frame.
Wrap your own food mummies too! Use these great Halloween recipes kids can help make!
15. The Game of Who Done It
Sometimes, all you need is a classic board game. Pull out Clue, Clue Jr. or 13 Dead End Drive and get playing!
16. Have a Food Contest
Either go with the classic bobbing for apples:
Fill a large tub with water and float apples on top. Players must use their mouths (no hands allowed!) to catch an apple.
Or do a twist by making it a pie eating contest where players try to eat mini pies without using their hands. Watching everyone dive face-first into their pies is hilarious!
17. Play Witch Hat Ring Toss
Make or buy a witch’s hat and set it on the ground. Players take turns tossing rings (or glow sticks) to try and land them on the point of the hat.
18. Movie Fun: Hocus Pocus Trivia
Are you a fan of the Sanderson sisters? Test your witch savvyness and have the ultimate trivia night from the Hocus Pocus movies.
19. Zombie Walk Relay
In this relay race, participants must walk like zombies from one point to another. Whether they’re dragging a leg, lurching forward, or groaning, the exaggerated zombie movements make for a lot of laughs.
20. Play the 5 Second Game: Halloween Edition
Finally, turn the traditional 5 Second Game into a Halloween variation.
Categories you could use for the game:
List 3…
- Types of spiders
- Horror movies
- Chocolate candies
- Superhero costumes
- Types of monsters
- Foods made with pumpkin
- Words that rhyme with candy
- Colors on a candy corn
- Things to say when you trick or treat
What’s Next?
Check out the funniest Halloween Riddles & Jokes to tell your friends! Or pull up the Halloween icebreaker questions to get the conversation rolling.