75 Funny Valentine’s Day Never Have I Ever Questions to Laugh Your Heart Out

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Valentine’s Day never have I ever questions will get your holiday going with giggles and fun. It’s the perfect Valentine’s game for large parties or a quiet night at home.

Plus, this edition is kid-appropriate. It’s great for the whole family!

How To Play Valentine’s Never Have I Ever

Option 1: Sit in a circle

Everyone sits in a circle and starts with their ten fingers. The first player says “never have I ever..” and says something they’ve never done. For example, “never have I ever forgotten Valentine’s Day.”

If you’ve done what the first person said, you must put one finger down. Move around the circle and repeat with each person. At the end of the game, the person with the most fingers still standing wins.

Option 2: Call out

If you want to keep it simple, call out a word or raise your hand if you’ve done what’s said.

75 fun never have I ever Valentine's Day edition, love, kids, adults, family, friends

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Never Have I Ever Valentine’s Day Edition

1. Never have I ever written a love poem.

2. Never have I ever cooked a special meal for someone.

3. Never have I ever gifted or received a stuffed animal for Valentine’s Day.

4. Never have I ever watched a Valentine’s Day movie marathon.

5. Never have I ever had a crush on someone.

6. Never have I ever been on a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt.

7. Never have I ever kept a Valentine’s Day card for years.

8. Never have I ever watched the same romantic comedy more than once.

9. Never have I ever made a homemade Valentine card.

10. Never have I ever made a list of things I love about someone.

11. Never have I ever worn red or pink on Valentine’s Day.

12. Never have I ever taken a Valentine’s Day-themed photo.

13. Never have I ever participated in a Valentine’s Day craft activity.

14. Never have I ever believed in love at first sight.

15. Never have I ever gone to a Valentine’s Day party outside of school.

16. Never have I ever drawn a picture of Cupid.

17. Never have I ever laughed at a cheesy Valentine’s Day joke.

18. Never have I ever gazed at a sunset.

19. Never have I ever tried to match my clothes with someone else.

20. Never have I ever given someone flowers.

21. Never have I ever been to a fancy (multiple course) restaurant.

22. Never have I ever been to Paris, France.

23. Never have I ever celebrated Valentine’s Day with my friends instead of a date.

24. Never have I ever decorated for Valentine’s Day with lights.

25. Never have I ever made my own Valentine’s mailbox or bag.

26. Never have I ever shared my favorite candy with a friend.

27. Never have I ever made someone watch a cheesy movie I love.

28. Never have I ever eaten candy hearts and read the messages out loud.

29. Never have I ever used heart stickers to decorate my stuff.

30. Never have I ever danced in the rain.

31. Never have I ever given someone a hug just because it’s Valentine’s Day.

32. Never have I ever read an entire book in a day (with a love story in it).

33. Never have I ever received a love letter.

34. Never have I ever broken someone’s heart.


Most Funny Valentine’s Day Never Have I Ever

35. Never have I ever had a crush on a fictional character.

36. Never have I ever written a secret admirer note.

37. Never have I ever delivered a Valentine to the wrong person by accident.

38. Never have I ever used a conversation heart to write a silly sentence.

39. Never have I ever had a Valentine’s Day surprise go wrong.

40. Never have I ever played Cupid and helped two friends exchange Valentines.

41. Never have I ever imagined being married to a celebrity.

42. Never have I ever tried to find Cupid in a book or movie.

43. Never have I ever dressed up as Cupid (for any reason).

44. Never have I ever forgotten Valentine’s Day.

45. Never have I ever had a Valentine’s Day date that ended in laughter.

46. Never have I ever celebrated Valentine’s Day with a pet.

47. Never have I ever tried to guess who someone’s Valentine would be.

48. Never have I ever drawn a heart in the sand, snow, or dirt.

49. Never have I ever re-gifted a Valentine’s gift I was given.

50. Never have I ever participated in a “Galentine’s Day” celebration.

51. Never have I ever worn pajamas all day on Valentine’s Day.

52. Never have I ever eaten an entire box of chocolates in one sitting.

53. Never have I ever used a cheesy pick up line.

54. Never have I ever thrown an “Anti-Valentine’s Day” party

55. Never have I ever sang a cheesy love song.

56. Never have I ever been on a blind date.

57. Never have I ever fantasized about living in a castle with a prince/princess.

58. Never have I ever met someone famous.

59. Never have I ever been serenaded by someone.

60. Never have I ever fought someone for the last piece of pizza.

61. Never have I ever received a Valentine’s Day gift and had to pretend I loved it when I actually didn’t.


Food Valentine’s Day Never Have I Ever

never have I ever Valentine's Day examples questions

62. Never have I ever made a heart-shaped dessert.

63. Never have I ever decorated cookies or cupcakes for Valentine’s Day.

64. Never have I ever eaten a heart shaped pizza on Valentine’s Day.

65. Never have I ever shared pasta with someone else.

66. Never have I ever had chocolate fondue.

67. Never have I ever eaten heart-shaped candy.

68. Never have I ever bought discounted Valentine’s Day candy for myself the day after the holiday.

69. Never have I ever made chocolate covered strawberries.

70. Never have I ever shared a chocolate dessert with someone.

71. Never have I ever shared a candlelight dinner with someone.

72. Never have I ever made heart-shaped pancakes.

73. Never have I ever tried a pink or red milkshake.

74. Never have I ever tried a Valentine-themed snack mix or trail mix.

75. Never have I ever had a Valentine’s Day picnic.

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