My 9 Goals for February – Week 1 of 4
Hi there! This is a new series I’m testing out that shares my goals, bucket list items, and progress made. If you enjoy the series, please leave a comment below so I know to keep it going.
This Month’s Goals
1. Visit a new Coffee Shop
There’s nothing like a fresh bakery goodie, and it’s long been a goal to do more exploring of quirky coffee shops. The kind that make you want to sit and stay for hours.
2. Do the February reading challenge
Jessica Evans, our in-house reading specialist, runs an awesome yearly reading challenge. I finished Lessons in Chemistry (SO good!) for January, but I still need to grab my February book. I just ordered Ugly Love!
3. Enjoy a Valentine’s Day dinner with the kids
I completely spaced on this last year. Valentine’s Day keeps falling on weekdays, and activities take over our week. But this year, I’m determined to have a special dinner with them.
4. Do something with my hubs for Valentine’s Day too
Again, I’m pretty sure we didn’t do anything last year. I don’t know what or when yet, but I think it should at least include champagne. 😉
5. Write for Wealthy Woman Finance
I’m doing a 30-day challenge over on the second site. For this, you’ll see one fresh post a day every day in February. It will be a lot of writing!
6. Watch a documentary
This is a goal for the year! I LOVE watching true story movies about interesting people. They are so inspiring! But I just don’t watch them like I used to. So, this year my goal is to watch at least 12. I’m at a whopping 0 right now, so need to get on this!
7. Spend more time on the nearby trail
Fresh air. Sunshine. Getting outside. I’m hoping for a quick walk most afternoons or evenings.
8. Plan one future trip
January was a month that felt like a year. And my wanderlust is kicking in strong.
9. Eat more salads that don’t taste like salads.
Ugh. I need to eat better. Specifically more veggies and less chocolate. 🤣
I’m hoping that if I make an effort to put things like nuts, olives, and feta cheese in them, I won’t feel like a rabbit munching on lettuce.
I’ll update you every Monday to share how I’m doing with these goals.
What goals do you have for February? Leave a comment and share one!
For inspiration for your February goals, check out: