Free Food Planner & Tracker Template: Start Eating Better Today!

In the past, making a plan and tracking my food has always led to healthier eating. But there’s one thing I’ve really hated about online trackers like Weight Watchers.

Being on my phone so much to do it.

free printable food planner and tracker

I was on my phone tracking in front of my kids, instead of working, and when I wanted to be unplugging from devices.

This led me back to good old-fashioned paper tracking. No more online rabbit holes!

Grab this free food planner and tracker so you can do it too!

This worksheet has two steps: Plan + Track

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First, use the template to plan your food…

How do you make a food plan?

The easiest way to make a food plan for your week is to:

Pro Tip: Once you make the plan, hit the grocery store and make sure you have what you need to make it happen! And if you have a little more time, prep one or two things ahead.

Next, print another copy of your free template and use it to track your food….

Tips for Tracking Your Food

Now, tracking can get tedious. To build momentum, use these tips!

food planner and tracker pdf printable

Send a Picture To Someone

My eating is the best when I do a Sunday check-in with another person. All I do is send a picture of the completed tracker to my sister. (It only takes 30 seconds)

It’s less about what’s on the template and more that I have to follow through with tracking all week.

Set up Designated Times to Track

Be clear on when you’ll complete your tracker, like 6:00am and 8:00pm. Then, set up reminders on your phone so you don’t forget.

Put Your Template in the Same Spot

Designate a spot for your template. Maybe it’s hanging on the fridge, at your nightstand, or on the dining room table. Keep it there for easy finding.

Try a Habit Tracker

free habit tracker printable

This can help you establish the habit of tracking without the fuss. Grab the free habit tracker >>

Fill out a Commitment Contract

self commitment letter contract: keeping your commitments

This card is designed to help you follow through on your biggest goals! Everything about it will keep you moving in the right direction.

Reward Yourself for the Right Behaviors

Not with food, of course. But with other things you can look forward to and keep you motivated.

Try this list of rewards that are not junk food >>

Free Printable Food Tracker Template

Now grab the food planner + tracker below!

free printable food planner and tracker

Find more trackers like this on the Personal Growth Pack in the Digital Shop >>

personal growth planner

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