10 Toxic Morning Habits That Are Ruining Your Day (And How to Stop Them)

A good day starts at the beginning. With a simple morning routine.

But even the best routine can be sabotaged by small toxic habits you don’t realize you’re doing.

10 toxic things to never do in the morning, bad habits to stop early

So, if you ever feel stressed, lethargic, or scattered after you wake up, take a closer look. Don’t let another day slip by this way.

Stop doing these 10 things in the morning!

After, you’ll be so refreshed and inspired that mornings will be the time of day you look forward to most.

10 Bad Morning Habits to Give Up Now

Key Takeaway: A morning routine is the foundation of every day. Set this up correctly and you’ll feel and see the difference.

10 things to stop doing in the morning for better days pin

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1. Hitting the Snooze Button

Let’s start at the beginning. What do you do when your alarm goes off?

If you hit the snooze button over and over, it’s a problem. This interrupts sleep cycles and can leave you feeling groggy and less productive.

Action Plan: Sit up immediately when you alarm goes off. Or put your alarm clock out of reach so that you have to get up to turn it off.

2. Not Planning Your Day Ahead

Starting without a plan leads to wasted time and lack of focus throughout the day. You can either plan your day the night before or first thing in the morning. And it doesn’t have to be every detail.

Action Plan: Write 3 things you need to get done today for it to be a great day.

You didn’t wake up today to be mediocre. Wake up with purpose. And passion!

3. Checking Your Phone Immediately

Flooding your mind with emails or social media can create stress and overwhelm before your day even starts.

featured image; 30 day social media detox challenge

Action Plan: Leave your phone where it is when you first wake up. I like to set my phone in another room the night before so it isn’t within easy reach.

4. Skipping Exercise or Stretching

Neglecting physical activity in the morning can leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated for hours. Lack of sunlight can also affect your mood and energy levels.

Action Plan: Get both by taking a quick walk in your neighborhood or stretching in your backyard when you get up.

Related: 20 Ways to Elevate Your Energy

5. Over Scheduling Yourself

There’s a tendency in today’s society to jam-pack every moment of your day. But not having enough time for your routine can cause stress, affect your mood, and eventually lead to burnout.

Action Plan: Instead of rushing through your morning to-do list, take a few things off. Now, enjoy the moment as you wake up well. Try the same with your overall schedule: leave enough room that you don’t always feel behind. Remind yourself that doing a few things really well is what matters.

6. Neglecting What You Put Into Your Body

The morning is the best time to put nutrients into you body. Your will-power is at it’s highest and your sugar cravings aren’t as strong.

donuts vs fruit

You’re doing yourself a big disservice if you:

  • Drink too much caffeine right away – Overloading on caffeine early can cause energy crashes later on.
  • Don’t drink water – Dehydration first thing in the morning can reduce mental clarity and energy.
  • Overload on sugar – Eating sugary breakfasts cause an energy spike spike followed by a mid-morning crash.

Action Plan: Start the day with a glass of water, 1-2 cups of coffee, and a nutritious breakfast like spinach and eggs, a smoothie, or oatmeal and fruit.

7. Procrastinating Important Tasks

Putting off key tasks until later in the day leads to stress. Plus, you often don’t get your most important things done.

Action Plan: Follow the “eat the frog” rule. Look for your most impactful action task of the day. Then, do that first! Make this a routine and you’ll be unstoppable.

8. Staying in Bed Too Long

Your bed can be a seductive. But lying in bed scrolling or thinking delays starting your day with purpose.

Action Plan: If you love lounging, save it for the weekend when you have more time.

9. Negative Self-Talk

bad habits to stop in the morning, negative self talk

Starting the day with a negative mindset can impact your overall outlook and productivity. Don’t let rumination or bad thoughts derail a beautiful day.

Action Plan: Start your day with morning affirmations. I also like to write down 3 things I’m grateful for in the morning to help set the tone for my mindset early.

“Great attitude is like a perfect cup of coffee–don’t start your day without it.” 

– Lisa Lieberman-Wang
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10. Leaving the House a Mess

While you won’t mind at first, this one will get you as soon as you re-enter your home. A cluttered or messy living space leaves you anxious and makes it harder to focus on the day’s tasks.

Action Plan: Do a quick 5 minute tidy before you leave. Get your family involved! It’s quick and enough to keep things from getting out of hand.

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”


What’s Next?

First, write down one thing you can stop doing tomorrow morning! Make a quick action plan for how you’ll do it.

Remember, these are small but mighty. And you’re worth it. What are you waiting for?

Next, check out the best morning routine ideas and amazing things to do in the morning. Then, sign up for the Family Connections Newsletter. You’ll receive the best family connection and routine content sent straight to your inbox!

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