Heartwarming Story: The Power of a Mother’s Touch

The power of a mother's touch video

In this short video, a deaf mom can’t hear her baby cry. She copes with her disability by expressing her love through touch.

It’s a must-see for every mother who has questioned herself!

Watch it Here:

Then, check out the 3 most impactful lessons below.

This short video is powerful for three important reasons.

1. It gives moms a profound message we don’t hear often.

You are enough. There are no perfect mothers in this world. No matter what anyone says. Regardless of what it looks like on social media.

Be you. Give your child love. Do your best. And it will be enough.

2. Touch is powerful.

In every scene of the video you see the visual impact of the mother’s touch on the baby. His face lights up. And it’s beautiful.

3. Things you take for granted are what others would love to have.

As I watched, I thought…

  • “Thank goodness I can hear.”
  • “Thank goodness I can see my children smile.”
  • “Thank goodness I can touch my children’s faces.”

In everyday life, I take this for granted. I’m so grateful for this reminder!

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