Must-See Mother’s Day Video: Every Story Starts With Mom

Every story starts with mom video, mother and daughter

Mothers are the glue that hold families together. They often do the behind the scenes work that gets taken for granted. Things like buying gifts, signing up for activities, getting up in the middle of the night, and feeding the family.

And yet, they aren’t what society deems the “heroes.”

How sad. Because there’s nothing more heroic than caring for and loving your children. Day in and day out.

This video proves that your kids see it. Even if they don’t always tell you.

Warning: This video might make you cry!

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my mom the other day. We agreed:

You’ll never love anyone as much as you love your kids.

Perhaps that’s the core of being a mother. Don’t you think?

2 Minute Action Task

What will you say to your mom? Tell her you love her today!

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And then keep it rolling. Tell your tribe you love them.

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