What Makes You Happy? An Experiment in Gratitude

What makes us happy and why? While the answer may not surprise you, this poignant reminder will undoubtedly touch your heart and leave a lasting impression.

An experiment in gratitude; how to boost happiness; video

Watch It Here:

Key Takeaway: Expressing your gratitude will make you a happier person. And if you’re currently facing challenges, giving this a try can make a significant difference in your life.

Did you know?

The law of attraction is the principle that you attract into your life what you focus on.

Therefore, if you focus on all of the amazing people and things happening in your life, you will attract more of these things.

Quick Idea

Put this into practice with simple daily gratitude affirmations. Look into the mirror and pick two or three of these to say each morning:

  • I express deep appreciation for those who love me today.
  • I’m so blessed to have the family that I have.
  • I appreciate the good in my life, and more good will come to me.
  • I look for things to be thankful for every day.
  • I am grateful for the process, not just the destination.

Journal Idea

As shown in the video, write a quick letter to someone important to you that you are grateful for. List the specific reasons you are thankful for them.

Bonus: Call and share your heartfelt letter today and feel your happiness grow.

Find more easy ways to boost happiness with gratitude. And, use these gratitude prompts to help guide this practice in your daily journaling too.

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