Free 4th of July Dice Game To Go Rollin’ in the Red, White & Blue

Looking for a simple yet fun game this Independence Day? Look no further!

This memorable 4th of July candy dice game can be modified for all ages. And it’s crazy versatile. Use anything from candy, to money, to toys for playing.

4th of July candy dice game for Independence Day

Plus, it works at a large gathering or as a small family activity. Use it to suit your needs!

Supplies You Need

All you need to play is:

  • A jar or bowl of small, fun items
  • one die
  • the free printable at the bottom of this post
Free printable 4th of July game with die and dice to play with groups

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Objective of the Game

The objective is to have fun without lots of set up. Or clean up. You’ll love how easy and straightforward this game is!

How to Play the Candy Dice Game

  1. Sit in a circle with a bowl of your goodies in the center. (See ideas below)
  2. Choose the free printable you want to use. There are two options! One is just candy passing, while the other includes actions too.
  3. Give each player two items from the center. (Keep it equal)
  4. Give the die to the youngest to start.
  5. Players roll the die and follow the directions on the printable. For the printable with actions: if they roll a 2, they share their favorite type of firework with the group.
  6. Determine the number of rounds you want to play and stop when everyone is done.

The winner is the person with the most of whatever the goodie is at the end. But you can also even it out for little kids!

Ideas to Put in the Middle

For this game, you need something fun to pass around. Candy like red, white, and blue M&Ms is the easiest. But here are a few other inexpensive things you can use:

  • Dollar bills and real coins
  • Glow sticks
  • Temporary 4th of July tattoos or stickers
  • Mini bubble containers
  • Mini lollipops

Grab the 4th of July Candy Dice Game Printable

First, here’s the simple candy-passing version:

Free printable 4th of July candy dice game for kids and adults

Pro Tip: You can print the printable on white card stock to make it more durable.

Next, I enjoy making my family do funny things! (For example, my kids love the dares in Truth or Dare.) So, check out the version below, which also includes a fun action to accompany the passing game.

On the printable, if the player rolls a..

  1. Name 3 U.S. Landmarks
  2. Share what is your favorite type of firework
  3. Sing the national anthem – opera style!
  4. Flap your arms like wings and let out your best eagle screech
  5. Tell 3 things you’d do if you were President for a day
  6. Write a word in the air with a pretend sparkler and see who can guess the word

Grab it here:

Candy dice game for the 4th of July, Independence Day, summer

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Another Variation to This Fun 4th of July Dice Game

dice to roll

To involve the group every time, you can have the entire group do the action each time someone has a turn. It adds a different element to the game!

More Unforgettable 4th of July Ideas

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