Your thoughts…
Welcome to Family Connections, a newsletter full of helpful ideas and insights you can use in life. (Read the archives). Not subscribed? Learn more and sign up.
Good morning,
I’ve been thinking lately about how easy it is to make excuses.
These sound reasonable in your head. Practical even.
Words like:
“I’m tired. It’s late. The weather is bad. The kids are hard.”
But they’re just pretty little lies you tell yourself.
I’ve been training for my first half marathon. And I can’t miss a run.
Suddenly, it doesn’t matter if any of the conditions are right. All that matters is getting the miles in.
What do you think?
What if you decided that today, you would keep the promises you make to yourself?
Regardless of the conditions.
🍲 Dinner Conversation Starter
Put a finger down if you have caught a snowflake on your tongue.
240 Unbeatable Put Your Finger Down Questions That Will Make You Laugh Until It Hurts
This is an incredibly easy, hilarious game, that’s also tactile. Great for wiggly kids!
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”
– Charles Swindoll
10 Things to You Should Never Do in the Morning to Feel 10x Better
Make huge improvements without a huge effort.
When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to play Varsity volleyball as a sophomore.
It was exciting for my young self.
But there was a problem. I wasn’t very good.
I struggled through the season. And when it ended, I knew I needed to do something to feel like I could play with the others next year.
So, on my own time in the off-season, I looked up a jumping program and followed it. 4-5 days a week I practiced jumping in my basement at home. It was only 20 minutes, and for a long time, I noticed no difference at all.
But by the time the next volleyball season rolled around, I suddenly was able to jump higher than nearly everyone else. I was blocking girls much taller than me.
And I was stunned at the difference just this ONE improvement made.
I made no other big skill gains. But I earned both the Most Improved and State Honorable Mention Awards that year.
Best of all, it was an incredible lesson in the power of habits.
You see, even if you do something SMALL. Even if it’s just one important thing (not 5,000 as people suggest). The payoff will be there in the end.
That goes for my old high school jumping program. But it also goes for the salad you choose to eat at lunch. Or the book you read to learn more about improving a skill. (Find more great habit ideas here)
A 1% improvement today is a 38% improvement in a year. If you can look past today’s results, and keep at it, you’ll be STUNNED by what comes in a month, and especially what you see in a year.
So, pick a health habit to work on, and visit this post to print off the free habit tracker.
99 Small Habits That Make a Massive Impact on Your Happiness and Health
These small, daily habits stack together over time to create a truly beautiful life.
Bonus: Thanks for being an email subscriber!
Most Inspiring Thought of the Day Cards for Kids
Or use all the sayings on this post to encourage and inspire around the house.
Sign up below to get the cards (+ fun love notes) sent straight to you:
What is the name of the alternate dimension in Netflix’s Stranger Things?
Find the answer (#15) on our Teen Trivia post
What’s a 1% improvement you can make today?
Where do cows go for lunch?
The calf-eteria!
(Add these printable jokes to your kids’ lunches!)
Transform your life with the Deluxe Personal Growth Planner! Achieve your goals, find purpose, and conquer overwhelm—all while enjoying 60% off for a limited time!
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter. If you have anything at all you’d like to share, ask, or say, just hit reply. I’d love to hear from you.
Love always,
Jenn Kropf
Founder of Healthy Happy Impactful