Just for you…
Welcome to Family Connections, a newsletter full of helpful ideas and insights you can use in life. (Read the archives). Not subscribed? Learn more and sign up.
Good morning,
Every one of us is an artist.
No matter what your work is, we all paint on a canvas.
Your art may be engineering or teaching. Raising a family, serving customers, or keeping people safe.
Whatever it is, it’s your mark on the world. Don’t ignore its specialness because of what others might think. Or because you might stumble as you reach higher.
And if you’re a bit weary today (I am too), rest.
Take a break. Have a laugh this weekend. And maybe a bath.
11 Hilarious Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Motherhood
I’m going to confess now. I’ve done this ⬇️ more times than I can count!
Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.”
–Susan Gale
How a Block Schedule Template Can Transform Your Entire Day
I’ve been using block scheduling ever since my kids were born. It helps make sure that you don’t drown in multi-tasking as a mom!
Did you know that an octopus has 9 brains?
Weird, huh.
The phrase “did you know” is my kids’ favorite these days. And I suspect that’s a big reason trivia is so popular on the site.
I get it! Trivia is great for keeping you connected, learning, and having tons of fun as a family.
It’s especially awesome when everyone’s tired (cranky) and you don’t want to turn on the tv…again (ask me how I know).
Test yourselves with these fun facts:
Most Useful Camping Checklist (So Kids Can Pack Themselves!)
Packing doesn’t have to make you break out into hives. Get the kids involved and let them do it themselves!
What color do umpires wear in the game of baseball?
See the answer at the end of the email!
How do you ensure you spend quality time with your family amidst busy schedules?
Transform your home into a hub of independence with the GOLD STAR ROUTINE PACK! Empower your kids to take charge of chores and responsibilities.
Kids Trivia Answer: Black (in case they split their pants)
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter. If you have anything at all you’d like to share, ask, or say, just hit reply. I’d love to hear from you.
Love always,
Jenn Kropf
Founder of Healthy Happy Impactful
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