My June Journey – Week 1 of 4

Hi there! This series shares my goals, bucket list items, and progress made every month.

This Month’s Goals

This month has fewer goals (7) because I’m trying to scale back these months with the kids home.

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my june goals

1. Start Training for a Half Marathon

Nervous giggle. Read why I’m doing the half marathon here.

I’m a week in and my legs are sore. But otherwise, it hasn’t been much different than my normal exercise. I expect this to change more in about 4-6 weeks.

2. Check off at Least 4 Things From the Summer Bucket List With the Kids

1/4 – I had the most random Harry Potter tea party last night. It was super quirky and fun to do with the kids and friends.

Harry Potter and Hogwarts would you rather questions game printable

Plus we got to play the Harry Potter This or That Questions.

  • Use our trail to take a walk to a local coffee shop
  • Visit the Farmer’s Market
  • Go stargazing at a nearby park
  • Nightly family walks
  • Tea party with friends. DONE
  • Colorado hiking

3. Do the Monthly Reading Challenge

For this month, I have two learning books I’m reading for the challenge.

june goals books to read for learning
  • Poor Charlie’s Almanac: Words and wisdom of Charlie Munger. It’s been on my reading list for a long time, and I just finished up an inspiring article at Wealthy Woman on his counterpart, Warren Buffett.
  • The Creative Act: A Way of Being. This is a guide on creativity from legendary music producer Rick Rubin. I’m about halfway through already. It’s interesting and a bit poetic.

Check out the June reading challenge email and June book thoughts for more on our monthly reading adventure – led by a Reading Specialist! >>

4. Reset My Sleep

I’ve stayed up a bit later to decompress with my hubby before shutting out the lights. And the new training schedule is making me extra tired. These two things have made my sleep a lot better so far!

5. Watch a Documentary or Inspiring Movie (12 for the Year)

I’ve watched 5/12 for the year. So far, I’ve seen:

April goals
  • King Richard (Based on the true story of Serena and Venus Williams)
  • Jiro Dreams of Sushi
  • The Greatest Love Story Never Told (Jennifer Lopez)
  • Save My Squad (David Beckham)
  • The Race to Alaska

If you have any recommendations of documentaries you’ve loved, please let me know in the comments!

6. Do an “Ask for It” Challenge

I own a second site, Wealthy Woman Finance, where we share wealth-building tips for women. This month, I’ve started a new challenge from a book I read, Ask for It. The concept is simple. Studies show that women never ask. For pretty much anything.

And it’s a big reason they’re paid 20% less than men for doing the same jobs. Along with a whole host of other things women settle for.

So far this month, I’ve asked for:

  • a discount for putting both of my kids in music lessons. It was turned down.
  • exactly what friends could bring to the tea party I hosted.
  • someone to return flowers that had rung up for $40 at the grocery store (I’d thought they were $15 but almost bought them anyway because I didn’t want to bother anyone – until I remembered the challenge!)

7. Visit a New Coffee Shop Every Month

I’ve visited 4/12 for the year.

I’ll update you every Monday to share how I’m doing with these goals.

What goals do you have this month? Leave a comment and share one!

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