Your journey to success

Welcome to Family Connections, a newsletter full of helpful ideas and insights you can use in life. (Read the archives). Not subscribed? Learn more and sign up.

Good morning,

I’ve been thinking about how often success looks like luck.

But it’s actually good positioning.

  • A well-rested parent handles meltdowns better.
  • Leaving 5 minutes early ensures you won’t be late from pop-up traffic.
  • Eating well gives you the energy to finish a hard project.
  • Spreading joy comes back tenfold.

What can you do today to put yourself in a better position to succeed next week?

13 Things to do on Sundays for an Amazing Week

Simple ways to make the whole week better.

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“Attitude is the ‘little’ thing that makes a big difference.”

Winston Churchill

Meal Planning Made Easy

21 Quick & Healthy Weeknight Dinners in Under 45 Minutes

quick and healthy weeknight dinners

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50 Simple Screen-Free Activities to Keep Kids Entertained

Tired of setting up Pinterest-perfect projects that only last two minutes? Discover easy, screen-free activities that won’t leave you stuck with hours of cleanup.

fun things to do with kids at home pin

Read Now

Our culture tells us we should always be doing something.

As though our amount of “hustle” determines our worth.

But as a woman (and especially as a mom) you can easily work yourself into the ground. Cooking, cleaning, and hustling after everyone else.

Instead, what if we just focused on these two things:

1. Work smarter

Yes, work hard. But only on what moves the needle in your life.

This may mean letting the house get dirty because you are working out. Or connecting with your kids. Or finishing a project you are proud of.

Decide what you WANT to give your energy to. Then, streamline the rest without the guilt.

2. Take care of yourself

Studies show that the most productive people are actually the people who take breaks.

And make time for rest and recovery.

That’s because when you nourish yourself, you are better able to give in all aspects of your life.

So, how can you make more time for activities that fill you up this weekend?

If you need a little guidance, check out the Self Care Workbook – a set of templates and cheat sheets that guide you in creating your own unique self-care practices.

➡️ Grab it here.

Teen trivia question: Who is Marvel’s first superhero in the comic books?

Answer at the end of this email!

What is one self-loving choice you can make first thing in the morning this week?

When you pay big bucks for a family experience and then your kid is like…

Trivia Answer: The Human Torch

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter. If you have anything at all you’d like to share, ask, or say, just hit reply. I’d love to hear from you.

Love always,

Jenn Kropf

Founder of ​Healthy Happy Impactful​

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