Make each day better

Welcome to Family Connections, a newsletter full of helpful ideas and insights you can use in life. (Read the archives). Not subscribed? Learn more and sign up.

Good morning,

Today, I’ve been thinking about enjoying the process.

If you can make something a little better each day, that’s what matters.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Stress-Free Connection

340 Fantastic Ice Breaker Questions for Kids, Teens, & Adults

Whether for work, school, church, or anywhere – these questions reign supreme in getting people to open up.

340 best ice breaker questions for kids, teens, and adults pin

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“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”

– Epictetus

20 Easy & Exciting Science Experiments for Kids

Jess Evans tried out these experiments with her boys – and the smiles and wonder on their faces say it all.

awesome science experiments and ideas for elementary school kids, preschool, middle school

Try this fun Science experiment when you need to cool down. And find lots more on the post!

#13 Instant Ice

Supplies: bottled water, glass or ceramic bowl, plastic tray, ice cubes, freezer

  1. Put water bottles in the freezer and set a timer for two hours. Lay them on their sides for the best results without denting them.
  2. Remove the water bottles from the freezer before they freeze. They are ready when crystals form when you shake the bottles.
  3. Place a ceramic bowl upside down on a tray. The tray will catch the extra water.
  4. Place an ice cube on top of the pouring surface.
  5. Then SLOWLY pour while instant ice forms!

How does it work?

When the freezing temperature is reached, water molecules form ice crystals.

We put an ice cube on the bowl because water molecules freeze more easily on existing ice crystals. These crystals grow and eventually freeze the entire bottle of water.

Not Sure How to Help? 50 Thoughtful Gifts to Soothe Anxiety

These calming gift ideas can bring relief and comfort to anyone struggling.

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Whether you create your own routine charts or you use the popular templates pack, I’ve found a few things to work well when implementing a better kid system!

Put your charts on a clipboard:

Not only does it keep your routine charts organized, but we’ve found it to be SUPER helpful as a place to put other school papers too. (We hang our clipboards up on the fridge)

Make it re-usable!:

Put your chart in a page protector and write with a dry erase marker so the kids can use them over and over!

Set up for success:

If you have “make breakfast” on your routine chart, then make sure your kids know what and how to make foods.

Look through your chart and make sure the actions are age appropriate, you’ve practiced HOW to do it with the kids, and that supplies are within easy reach.

The kids routine pack has…

> Customizable kids routine checklists – which is incredible because it makes good habits for kids easy!

> Simple chore charts & list by age – this part is fantastic because kids will know what chores to do, and do them without asking.

> Reward ideas and coupons – you’ll find this will give you personalized motivation that works!

> Reward chart and bucks system – which are key to following through for long term success.

> BONUS reading pack – build great reading and learning habits too (while keeping it fun!)

These are all in there to make sure your kids learn good habits and responsibility without spending tons of hours and money to do it. Plus, you’ll free up time as a parent to do more of what you love too!


P.S. Please know that all of my products come with a 30-day money back guarantee – so that you have everything to gain from investing in yourself and your family.

Identify an area in your life where you feel your energy is being wasted.

How can you redirect that energy toward what truly matters to you?

Why are porcupines so good at volleyball?

Because they have really sharp spikes!

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter edition. If you have any thoughts on how to make it even better, I’d love to hear from you.

I appreciate you!

Love always,

Jenn Kropf

Founder of ​Healthy Happy Impactful​

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