100+ Inspiring Things We’re Thankful for in 2024
Things I’m thankful for in 2024….
1. I’m thankful for my kids, the family that surrounds and supports me, and God’s grace and strength that gets me through every day, easy or hard. – Wendy G
2. I’m thankful for:
- Feeling better after starting the school year with pneumonia.
- A break from soccer for rest and the holidays.
- Good friends and time together. – Molly L
3. Things I am thankful for in 2024:
- Adopting our foster baby last week.
- Adding a daughter-in-law to the family.
- For my family being healthy. – Sara M
4. Three things I’m thankful for:
- Stable jobs for both my husband and ourself.
- My family’s health.
- Having the holidays off to spend with my family! (Recently moved from working in Healthcare to the school system) – Tara F
5. I’m thankful for my family & my health. – Wendy K
6. I am grateful:
- That my adult daughter is still working toward recovery from her eating disorder.
- That there are still sunny days to look forward to.
- That we finally, after 4 years of setbacks, were able to take our family vacation together this year. – Tonya G
7. The three top things that I am thankful for in 2024 are:
- I get to raise my beautiful daughter! We work together with her special needs and her autism to work towards a happy life!
- I am retired from my lifelong career and get to have a second part-time career helping out children and families with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- I have the most amazing family and close friends who always love me and support me! I am truly blessed! – Melody O
8. Here are 3 things I’m thankful for:
- My health – that I can move my body, be active, and take care of those that I love.
- My family – my loving husband and sweet children.
- My job – I teach in a wonderful school with great kids. – Victoria G.
9. For 2024 Gratitude:
- We focused on going on more family vacations this year, including two with grandparents. Quality time that we will always have to look back on.
- We have avoided major illness and trips to immediate care/the ER for the first 11+ months! Best year for us since 2019!
- With a family of four, a dog and 2 cats, I’m really thankful for our robot vacuum…..that sounds so silly but I don’t have it in me to vacuum every single day and I don’t have to! – Elizabeth Y.
10. I did a thankful exercise on a walk last night with a friend we went through all the colors and said things we were thankful for mine mostly came back to food and flowers so here you go!
- Red: lipstick, and apples
- Orange: all things citrus
- Yellow: Lemons, and sunshine
- Green: Pesto, grass
- Blue: the ocean
- Purple: balloon Flowers – Lisa C
11. I’m thankful for my faith, my family and my home. – Stacy B
12. 3 things I’m thankful for:
- My children and the fact that I get to be a mom
- My health and my ability to keep up with those kids
- My husband for being the partner I need – Priscilla W.
13. I’m very grateful for the walks I take with my dog, Kassi, in the early am, the red leaves falling, and the stars I see (if it’s a really early walk). Of course, family & friends are first! – Linda
14. This year I am thankful for my family and the bonds and connection we share. I am thankful for our wonderful neighbors and the friendships we have and I am thankful for my salvation in Christ. – Jennifer R
15. I am thankful for my husband, my family, and this amazingly beautiful world we live in. I am also thankful for your dose of sunshine in my mailbox! – Aimee R.
16. I am grateful for:
- A job where I can make a difference and support my family.
- A roof over my head.
- Family and friends in my life who let me be 100% me. – Kelli J
16. I am thankful for:
– My babies
– Caffeine
– Modern medicine – Jordan G.
17. I’m thankful for new days to try again, My little one (6-year-old) who reminds me what’s truly important, hugs on hard days! – Natalie M
18. I add to my gratitude list every day because it’s difficult to be grumpy when you’re grateful. I am grateful to be alive, living in the United States of America with a wonderful family. – Alice P.
19. Three things I am thankful for are:
- My family!- healthy and happy and being extended just found out on Veterans Day I am pregnant for the fourth time.
- My home- even though decorating can be stressful. The warmth or air and comfort is always there to protect or cool us. This house is the house the father of my children grew up in. So I’m thankful for that as well.
- My job- I love creating drinks and serving people bringing them comfort with a meal and a nice beverage at a restaurant that gives back to those in need like second harvest that helps other family’s. Thank you Restaurant Des Families! For being an amazing place to work with amazing beautiful people. – Natasha B
20. Three things that I am thankful for….
- My three amazing children
- My truck, Betsy, who has been more reliable than most people.
- My small, but incredible support system. – Audrie L
21. I am GRATEFUL for another year around the SUN!! Today is my Birthday!!
I am also grateful for my 19 year old who is my ROCK!!
And grateful for a new church with cute little old ladies who are so happy to see me there. – Teresa T
22. I’m grateful for my family, friends, being able to teach kids all over the U.S from home as an online teacher! – Marsha M
23. Three things that I am thankful for:
- My job – it may not pay as much as I use to make, but having a stable and flexible workplace is something I truly cherish.
- Access to resources!! – As a single mom, I am constantly searching the web and looking up help for everything that comes my way. From navigating the easiest route to looking up information and resources for various reasons, I am so happy to live in a world that allows me to access it!
- My home and family – I may not be where I want to be, but I sure have come so far from where I was. My family has helped me get away from an abusive and toxic environment, and I am forever so thankful to have their love and support rescue me. – Jenna B
24. The three things I am thankful for in 2024 are my family, your newsletter and peace of mind! – April B
25. I’m thankful for: Jesus my Savior, 9 healthy grandkids, and the perfect eyesight I’ve now been blessed with and never before had. – Carolyn T
26. I am thankful for:
- My family, including my beloved grandson
- Still being here….4 yrs, stage IV cancer
- Wonderful daily inspiration from you, Jenn. – Sophia E
27. I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful for the blessings I receive each second of my life – Brinny
28. Mama and baby survived water breaking 5 months early.
Family living with me to help each other out.
The election is over and my mailbox is empty. – Annette
29. I am grateful for:
- My sobriety.
- Having my children in my life.
- My new house that my children and I are about to move into after living in cramped conditions under my father’s roof for 5½ years! – Liana C.
30. I’m thankful for my husband and my kids. – Joeline B.
31. Hi! Here’s the three things I am thankful for in 2024:
- I am thankful that after 20 years in the workforce, I finally LOVE my job.
- I am thankful for my husband’s new job with a good company.
- I am thankful that I didn’t lose any family members this year.
Bonus: I am thankful that I found this newsletter. – Olivia B
32. I am thankful for:
- My family
- My friends
- Netflix 🙂 – Kim C.
33. I’m thankful for flushing toilets, hot showers, and soft beds! – Elizabeth D.
34. Gratitude 2024:
- weather: somedays enable us to adventure. Other days say ‘stay home you need rest’. Often the weather dictates activity. The weather encourages us to step outside our comfort zone and pursue happiness.
- smell of chocolate: I’ve decided I can’t be friends with someone who hates the smell of chocolate. It’s just so wonderful and comforting.
- new socks: I love the feel of new socks. – Megan L
35. I am thankful to still be alive after my car accident on November 12th, 2024.
I am thankful for my mom & family i still have to celebrate with.
I am thankful for, unfortunately, for my grandma & grandpa who are watching over all of us since their passing (Nov. 19th & Dec. 14th 2024) of last year.
I am thankful the Lord, woke me up to enjoy the things he has made. – Lori B
36. I am thankful for the roof over my family’s heads, the food we have to fill our bellies and the love we share with each other and others outside our home.
It’s that simple. – Elizabeth D.
37. Three things I am thankful for in 2024:
- I am thankful that all my grandchildren are saved and so are their significant others! Thank you, Lord.
- I am thankful that most of the family can be together to celebrate Thanksgiving with some friends and extended family.
- I am thankful that Jesus paid the price for my sins that He made a way for me to go to Heaven!! – Sandee B.
38. Today I was grateful for the mid-afternoon sunshine. So happy to warm my face and for my plants.
I am also grateful for patience today. I had a high conflict situation and reminded myself to step back, breathe and give space to both of us.
Most importantly, I am grateful to be employed and have the means to help provide for my family. – Sarita F.
Before You Go…
I’ll sign off with beautiful words of wisdom from Elizabeth D. Take them to heart the next time you encounter a bit of rain.
She says…
“remember to laugh even in the rain, especially in the rain actually, it’ll make the rainbow even more glorious!
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Happy Thanksgiving Friends!
-Jenn Kropf