3 Great Tools to Disconnect and Recharge

At the end of 2022, I was feeling anxious and losing sleep. It became almost impossible to disconnect from work and mom mode at night. (And the ability to unwind is such an essential part of self-care!)

I knew that my computer and phone were the main culprits.

So, I made a few small changes. They’ve made a surprisingly massive impact on my mental health!

  1. My hubby and I started putting our phones in the cabinet from 5-8pm as a 30 day challenge.
  2. I moved my desk out of my bedroom. And covered our television too. Now, the room tells me it’s time for sleep instead of “what about one more thing?”
  3. I tried the Freedom App. And it has been a game changer for my email addiction. I block the “distraction” websites in the morning and all websites from that 5-8pm time slot.

Social media wasn’t a specific target for me, but it is for many. If it’s time to step away, check out our article on the social media detox challenge. (The science and benefits are astounding!)

Now, what can you do instead of obsessively checking your screens?

  1. Take a nature walk
  2. Have a coffee, tea, or wine date with your partner
  3. Read an inspiring book to the kids in your life

What will you do with your extra time? Reply and let me know!

Peace and love,

Jenn Kropf

P.S. I can’t overstate how much screen boundaries have impacted the way I feel. And improved my focus too. Give it a try and see what you think!

“I find it refreshing to unplug from it for a while. You kind of forget how deeply you get embedded in it.” – Will Wright