11 Smart Things to do at Night for Daytime Success

What should I do at night before bed?

Does your night routine nourish you? Or set you up for success?

I know, I know. Everyone loves their nighttime Netflix. And we all need to zone out some when evening rolls around.

what to do at night before bed

I’m a zombie by 9:00 pm, I get it.

A nighttime routine can sometimes be a hard sell. But a few intentional habits can make a HUGE difference in how we live the rest of our lives.

So, hear me out with these smart things to do at night! There’s more to the time before bed than meets the eye!

There’s potential.

As in, your potential.

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.”

John C. Maxwell

Why Night Routines Matter

Do you want to feel successful every day? Or centered and balanced? Or just not so dang tired?

Here is where that can happen. A night routine is just as important as a morning one!

The things we do at night impact our health, sleep, growth, and stress.

It’s our last chance to make an impact in our day, and the BEST opportunity to set up to conquer the following one.

So, use this time wisely!

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pin of things your should do at night before bed

Things to Do at Night – Night Routine Ideas

There are two facets to an effective evening routine. First…

Set Yourself Up for Daytime Success

plan ahead

The following activities make sure that you’re using your time to make your next day the best day.


There is no success without a clear plan.

What are the top priorities for tomorrow? What do you hope to accomplish that moves the needle the MOST toward your goals?

Think impact, not quantity.

The Productivity Planner is an easy guide for busy people. It has been instrumental in helping me get important stuff done. In fact, it’s the only reason I’ve steadily improved my business with three small kids.


I battle this constantly, but I ALWAYS feel better if my house is not in chaos when I go to bed.

Waking up to toys and dirty dishes is just not how I want to start my day. Nor should it be how you start yours.

Therefore, set a timer and do a quick pick-up for 5 or 10 minutes at night. (If you have a family, include them!) It may not be perfect, but it’s definitely better. And will make you sleep easier.


what to do at night by yourself, nightstand with journal

What can be done ahead of time for tomorrow?

Usually, the kids can get their stuff ready the night before. This reduces meltdowns and whining the next morning. Examples include:

  • Prepare folders
  • Plan outfits and shoes for younger kids

The same can be said for adult stuff! What can be done tonight to make tomorrow run smoothly? Take a few moments to prepare each night!

  • Program your coffee maker
  • Decide on your clothes
  • Plan according to your priorities (see #1)

On a similar note…


This one is INSTRUMENTAL to setting us up for success! Consider these…

  • Are you wanting to workout tomorrow? Set out your exercise clothes!
  • Is there something important you want to work on? Make sure your computer is charged and in the right spot.

This step removes the friction. Healthy habits are easier the next day!

Take a moment now and think of one or two habits you’re trying to improve. Reflect on what you can set out the next day to make good things happen!

Wind Down: Best Things To Do At Night

Second, an effective night routine helps us catch of up on our Zs.

These soothing things to do at night will get you relaxed and ready to hit the pillow! They can even be done in bed or by yourself.

things to do at night in bed


Wind down with easy stretches or yoga before bed. This helps to improve flexibility and releases the tension built up in your body from a hard day’s work. Plus, it gets your blood circulating for better sleep!

Try this easy yoga sequence before bed and see how you feel!


This is often the only great time to read something that you enjoy, that inspires you, or that helps you grow.

Start with just a few minutes, and expand your time as you go! Reading is also the best way to wind down without screens before you shut your eyes.

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Journaling serves two purposes.

First, if your mind has a hard time shutting down at night, it can be an enormous relief to jot things down on paper so you can sleep. (Free mind dump template)

Second, in order to truly grow, we must take the time to pause and reflect. We can’t learn from our successes and failures if we never stop to think about them.

free gratitude journal prompts pdf printable for therapist aids or at home or school
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Try out these easy nighttime journaling questions…

  • What went well today? What did I succeed at?
  • What do I need to improve? How will I do it?
  • What do I want to do tomorrow, next week/month/year?
  • What does my ideal morning/night/day look like?
  • Where do I see myself in 6 months?
  • What am I most proud of today?


things to do at night by yourself

Also, if you are new to journaling, I highly recommend the unique The Five-minute journal! It has:

  • step-by-step spots for gratitude
  • what would make today great
  • daily affirmations
  • and what to improve on


what to do at night at home

We all know it, but few of us do it. And, this is SO important!

Many of us check our phones one last time before bed. But if we give in, we look up 45 minutes later and wonder why we wasted so much of our precious time. And now we’re not tired!

Not only does the blue light affect our bodies, but the excessive information from our feeds does the opposite of winding us down.

So, set a boundary for yourself. My rule is to turn off my phone at 8:00pm. Or you could program your phone to go on airplane mode an hour before bed. Whatever it is, experiment until you find what works for you.

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We get so little of it these days.

This is simply carving out time to relax and recharge.

It could be in a bed, a special chair, or even while taking a calming bath.

Just make sure there is at least one part of your day where you are alone with your thoughts.

*To shape your thoughts for bedtime, check out these peaceful sleep affirmations.

And learn more about quieting your mind at: How to Meditate for Beginners


Self care gifts for busy moms and women

Next, an amazing night routine MUST include a form of comforting self-care! This could be skincare, a hot cup of tea, a facial mask, or anything else that helps your stress melt away.

For ideas, check out: 100 Self Care Ideas For A Bad Day (Or ANY Day)

Or get your free 2-page toolkit below:


Lastly, nighttime can be the perfect time to spend special moments with those we love.

Whether it’s extra kisses to the kids or a little cuddling and Netflix watching (it’s still there!) with your partner, intentional quality time is a must when our days are packed with activities.

To Consider With Great Things to Do at Night

best things to do at night at home examples


Start with just ONE of these things to do at night! What will it be?

When you get that one down, add another, and another. Before you know it, you’ll have a routine that supports a more productive, successful, and balanced you.


Read these terrific night routine tips for even more ways to develop your evening habits.

Plus, if you loved this article, be sure to check out 10 Powerful Things To Do In The Morning! It contains all of the key elements of an impactful morning routine!

Which of these at home things to do at night make the most impact on you?

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11 Best To Do Night Things for Your Best Self


  1. Self-care and decompression time are so important. Also helps to make early mornings less stressful. Nice post.

    1. For sure! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jessica Evans says:

    Steve used to make fun of me when we were first together because I got totally ready for the next day at night before we could sit down to relax. I call it resetting. Ha! He still can’t understand why I want everything picked up before we go to bed. But it totally helps me start the day feeling good. Still loving your posts, Jenn!

    1. “Resetting,” I love that term! And yes, I too have a really hard time if I start the day already in the hole. I’m glad you’re liking them Jess, thanks for commenting! 🙂

  3. I completely agree with your point that a productive evening routine is one that prepares you for the following day but also relaxes and rejuvenates you in preparation for it. Really enjoyed reading this!

    1. TBT, I’m so glad you found the article helpful! Have a great day!

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